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Not expecting Zachary to have followed him into the kitchen, Dakota’s eyes widened a bit as he turned around and nearly cane nose to nose with the other man. Narrowing his gaze once he’d regained his composure, the brunette was about to open his mouth and complain about his drink being stolen but was cut off effectively with a kiss. It tasted mostly of rum and coke, but there was a lingering aftertaste of what could only be described as ‘Zach’ when the vampire pulled away and licked his lips in a satisfied manner. Ah, there was that warmth again. The heat spread throughout his torso like a slow burning magma, dripping into every crevice and raising his body’s temperature noticeably. It wasn’t intolerable - not yet, at least - but it reminded Koda of what his heat cycle typically felt like. These were usually what the warning symptoms consisted of, but it couldn’t be his damn cycle again. He’d already mated, already taken care of the heat and moved on from it. It was impossible to still be lingering around... Right? “I’ll keep that in mind.” Dakota responded in regards to the wine comment, hating how out of breath he sounded already just from one cheeky kiss. Glancing down as he felt hands sneaking up his shirt, the wolf’s stomach muscles shivered and tensed under Zachary’s cool touch. The guy was clearly up to something, but truthfully the brunette wasn’t sure he had the willpower right now to fight the sudden onslaught to his personal space. “Of course I’m- nnhg... Stressed.” Koda admitted, having to pause midway through his sentence to bite his lower lip as the vampire’s devilish mouth made its way down his throat. Man that felt good... “You should be, too.” The mutt added, tilting his head back to give the other male more room despite the accusation he just made. As swiftly as they’d shown up, those exploring lips were suddenly gone. Blinking his pale blue eyes back open - he hadn’t actually realized he’d closed them - Dakota felt his brows furrow together when the immortal vanished from his sight. Where the hell did he- ...Oh. Oh. Eyes widening once more, the canine’s hands fumbled forward to try and pull his jeans back up from where Zachary had successfully slid them down his hips a little, along with his boxers. “Idiot, we don’t have time for this. Hey, seriously, don’t-“ All of Koda’s complaints halted the moment that hot tongue slid across the tip of his hardening arousal. Well, there went the rest of his self-control. Exhaling shakily and swallowing back the whine that threatened to spill past his lips when his mate slid his mouth overtop of his cock, Dakota gripped the edge of the counter and leaned against it heavily for support. He’d always been weak to this sort of treatment - among numerous other things - but the wolf would usually take charge of a situation before any of his sensitive spots could be exploited. Zachary was the first to ever challenge his dominance and somewhat succeed, hence why the mutt was currently pressed up against the counter’s ledge and not the other way around. Tilting his head back against the cupboards and closing his eyes, a needy groan fell from Koda’s parted lips as the vampire’s mouth slid impossibly further down his length, teeth purposely teasing the underside of his sensitive cock in sweet, sweet torment. It wasn’t surprising when a tingling sensation began arising around Dakota’s tailbone, the fluffy appendage pushing itself overtop of the boy’s already low jeans and flicking behind him in the small space it had between his backside and counter. One of the wolf’s hands shot forward suddenly when Zach moaned around his arousal, his eyes snapping open from the wave of pleasure that caused. “Fuck..!” The curse came out as more of a moan than anything else, his hips unconsciously rolling forward for more contact as his fingers intertwined roughly in his mate’s dark hair. “A...Again...” Dakota ordered breathlessly, lowering his gaze to look at the sultry display of his once longterm rival sucking him off. “Do that... Again.” He growled seductively, licking his lips and gazing down at the other man with a hungry expression.

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