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An amused chuckle left Dakota as the other male didn't bother hiding the fact he was inexperienced. Truth be told, the wolf was just as much of an amateur when it came to being on the receiving end of intercourse. His bedroom skills resided comfortably in the realm of giving, preferring to be in control and on top instead of crying out underneath someone. Even now, the canine sat firmly on top of his partner despite having given Zachary the go-ahead to continue. If he was going to return the favour and let the immortal take the lead, then it was still /him/ who would be doing the actual 'fucking' part, and not the other way around. Smirking down at his mate, Koda raised himself up on his knees to give Zach better access to the spot between his thighs. "That confidence of yours is cute." The dog murmured, trying not to concentrate too much on the foreign sensation of fingers sliding over his entrance. "I can't wait to crush it." Unbeknownst to quite literally everyone in his life, Dakota had attempted to pleasure himself by stimulating his prostate once before in the past. It was during one of his very first heats, and since he wasn't as used to enduring the insufferable cycle as much as he was today, the young pubescent pup had tried damn near everything to make the torture end. His experimentation had unfortunately been a complete failure. His entrance had been well lubricated and the probing of his own fingers hadn't been painful, but the canine could not find his sweet spot even if his life depended on it. It wasn't really Koda's fault; being an alpha, his prostate lied deeper within him, farther back than your average werewolf due to the rarity of it being needed for mating. To this day the brunette hadn't bothered trying again, and deep down he wasn't so sure this new stimulation from Zachary was going to do any good. The strong arm that circled around his waist was surprisingly endearing, and idly Dakota made a small mental note to try and casually coax his mate into doing the same thing at later time when they weren't about to fuck each other's brains out. That same reassuring arm also brought the wolf's midsection closer to the vampire's greedy mouth, sharp teeth leaving multiple marks along his stomach near the piercing on his navel. Under normal circumstances, the bites would've provoked the brunette to attack back in a playful manner, but they were a welcomed distraction for him in this case. The long, slender finger that pressed its way past the tight ring of muscles surrounding Koda's entrance felt odd - even with his body's natural lubrication - and so any diversions at this point were well received by the young alpha. "Piece of cake..." Dakota grit out through teeth he hadn't realized he'd clenched, lacing both of his hands into Zachary's dark hair and gazing down into those hypnotizing red eyes. "Are you even trying?" He jabbed with a crooked smile, doing his best to ignore the inner turmoil his body was going through as it tried to comprehend whether it wanted to push that intruding finger out or urge it to go in deeper. Locking eyes with the vampire below him, Koda winced and released a small growl as the man sank his teeth into his tan flesh particularly roughly. The wolf knew it was for his own good, a distraction to balance out the second finger now pushing into him, but it still stung regardless. "Watch it..." He hissed, tugging roughly on Zach's hair in retaliation and adjusting his weight from one knee to the other in an attempt to familiarize himself with those imposing fingers. It didn't work, and instead only seemed to make the whole stretching business even worse. Perhaps he would have to fake his way through this whole endeavor... Thinking about it, he would do that for Zachary if it made the guy happy. Leaning forward to hide his displeased expression in the immortal's hair, Dakota rolled his eyes at the 'sweet' comment and swatted at the other man with his tail. "Fuck off." He grumbled, releasing a soft groan as those probing fingers pushed impossibly further into him and twisted in a new direction. "Quit talking and focus on- ..!" Was all the wolf managed to get out before his sentence was cut off by a sound he didn't even recognize as his own. The shocked, unrestrained moan that echoed around the room was followed quickly by several uneven breaths, the hands in Zachary's hair clinging desperately to the thick locks as his legs shook and threatened to give out. Pale blue eyes were blown wide, and it took about half a minute before the young alpha was ready to move again. Leaning back slowly and staring down at the vampire, Dakota's mouth suddenly felt very dry. The look on his face clearly screamed 'What the Hell was that?', but the dog knew better. He knew /exactly/ what that had been, it was the intensity of it that had caught him off guard. Swallowing any remaining sounds that wished to spill out in that moment, the wolf reached between them with one hand and gripped Zachary's forearm tightly. "...S...Slow." He urged, finding it oddly difficult to formulate proper words, but still refusing to beg despite his obvious vulnerability during this monumental discovery. "Not used to..." Actually experiencing pleasure there? Feeling as though he were about to climax from one simple brush of fingers? Mentally not being certain he could handle this after all? Yeah, none of those sounded great. "Whatever that was." Dakota finally finished, lowering his gaze to glance at the hand that disappeared between his thighs. He almost expected there to be some kind of magic tool down there that had caused him to cry out like that; that would make much more sense than a simple set of fingers.

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