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The damned blood sucker was actually getting excited, thinking that this would be easier than it was going to be. He shared the same excitement in his pale eyes as Oliver, even going as far as to look at Dakota with that same excitement. Though, his mate and the red head brought him back down to reality. His usual melancholy look fell over his face as he agreed quietly. For a moment, just for a moment, he was lookong forward to the future. He saw a world in his mind where there wasn't anymore fighting and bloodshed. Maybe a world where rogue wolves and rogue vampires calmed down. Sighing softly, he chewed his bottom lip. He agreed with Red, surprisingly. "She's right. I'm a wolves mortal enemy. There's nothing that can change that. Though, the irony of it all..." He gave a weak laugh looking towards Dakota who was the only one that knew that truth. "Ironic, isn't it?" To be in love with a werewolf, murdered by said werewolf, and saved by a vampire only to become a werewolf's mortal enemy, then its mate. It was frustrating. All of it was. So to be handed a drink, the vampire drank it down with no problem. Though, there was a problem, he hadn't fed properly in a few days. The snacks he had were only enough to hold him over. Getting up, he made himself another drink, listening to the calmer atmosphere as they began to casually chat. Zachary stayed in the kitchen a bit, drinking his drink and making yet another one. Having not ate, he got a strong buzz going before he knew it. His face flushed and his body heated. A sweet smell emanated from his being. Maybe he was in a vampires heat. One where they smelled sweet and just wanted to breed. Shivering at the thought, he realized an hour had flew by. Before he knew it, the wolves were leaving and finally left them alone. The vampire was clearly tipsy, humming softly as he sipped his last drink. Smirking, he looked towards Dakota. "So Koda actually talked about me, huh~?" He teased, setting the cup down and walking to where the wolf stood, wrapping his arms around his neck. "How cute~" he chuckled softly, his eyes slightly glazed. "Wanna finish what we started~?" He asked softly, moving to kiss his mate.

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