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Natalia's energy reminded Dakota vaguely of Red's, only... Well, less menacing and abbrasive, and more excitable. His body stiffened as the female pranced over to him and his eyes widened the moment he felt determined fingers reach up and scratch behind his ear. Resisting the urge to bat her hand away, the wolf simply leaned out of her touch and made a slightly disgruntled face. Ally or not, the brunette wasn't a fan of anyone touching the extra appendages - anyone aside from Zachary, that is. Happy that the focus had now been switched away from himself and over to his mate, Koda listened to the sibblings chat back and forth before eyeing the bags of blood Natalia handed over. Cocking his head, it only just then occured to Dakota that his regular hunting regime from now on would probably have to change due to Zachary's inability to leave his side for too long. They would have to go hunting together, perhaps even more often depending on how much his new partner needed to feed. Almost as sudden as she'd shown up, Natalia was leaving, bidding the boys a good night and slipping out the door without any further delays. That had been... Odd, but at least it looked as though they had someone else to rely on. "Don't worry about it. She seems... Nice." Dakota responded quietly, his thoughts seemingly elsewhere as his mate turned to him with a rather suggestive look. Returning the gaze with an intrigued smirk, the wolf pushed away from the wall and uncrossed his arms as Zachary approached. "Third time's the charm." Koda mused, his tail flicking behind his back curiously as the immortal mentioned wanting to try something. "What is it..?" Came the almost cautionary inquiry from the dog, his head tilted and his ears perked up atop his head.

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