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Dakota could feel himself visibly tensing again as Red turned her attention to Zachary. Her general posture and aura signalled that she had calmed down some, but the alpha knew better than to underestimate the fury of the small beta. Oliver appeared to have the same sentiments, his body stiff as he watched the scene unfold with wide hazel eyes. As luck would have it, the redhead remained in control of herself throughout the handshake, even going so far as to return the brilliant smile Zachary was giving her with a soft, knowing smile of her own. “Hm... I guess we know who’s getting their ass p-“ Red began to say, immediately getting cut off by Dakota clearing his throat. Releasing her hold on the vampire and shrugging her shoulders apologetically, the female returned to her seat. “Sorry, just making observations.” Pinching the bridge of his nose, Dakota tried to get back on track to what their conversation should’ve been about. “Right... Now that we’ve got our formalities out of the way, Zach... That’s Red.” The wolf gestured towards the seated redhead, before nodding over towards the blonde waving his hand politely. “And that’s Oliver.” He introduced, plopping himself back down on the couch and sinking down into the leather a bit now that there wasn’t as much tension in the room. “We’ve heard a lot about you.” Oliver piped up, clearly being the type to ramble awkwardly should he be unsure of what to do in a situation. “You know, with being Dakota’s rival for so long and everything. It’s almost like you two have been together this whole time, he would talk about you constant- ...Ah, anyway.” The young beta cleared his throat and changed his approach after the look his alpha was giving him. “Technically speaking, it’s not that unusual for vampires and werewolves to become intimate.” “Excuse me?” Red shot the blonde a dirty look, evidently unimpressed with that last statement he’d made. “No, no; I’m serious. You can look back throughout our histories and there’s loads of instances where we interact without bloodshed. You have to remember, there was a time where we didn’t hate each other.” Oliver defended, taking off his glasses and wiping at the lenses habitually. Rolling her eyes and crossing her arms, Red leaned back in her seat. Albeit her opinions on the matter, she knew her packmate was right. “Today it’s still seen as pretty taboo, but it happens. What’s rare in this case is that you two... Well, you actually managed to mate, and do it successfully. That’s almost unheard of.” Oliver claimed, placing his now overly clean glasses back on his face. “You’re not a purebred... Are you.” The blonde asked after a moment, his hazel eyes looking intelligently across the room at Zachary. The phrase hadn’t exactly been a question, but more so a statement, as if the boy already knew the answer to his inquiry.

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