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Half hard, out of breath, and body still flushed from the orgasm he’d just had, Dakota could only pray to whatever god was listening in that moment that he’d be able to compose himself in time to greet his subordinate. Stumbling to his feet and tucking himself back into his jeans, the young man checked the floor for any signs of what had just happened between them before making his way into the living room. The place smelled heavily of pheromones, and so the wolf quickly slid one of the sliding glass doors wide open in hopes that it would air out the suite a little. Another knock. “One sec!” He called out, giving himself a once-over to make sure there were no stains on his shirt or jeans. Speaking of which... Heading into his bedroom, Koda rummaged around through his drawers until he found a pair of comfy black sweatpants that Zachary could wear. One of these days, they would need to discuss whereabouts they wanted to stay and proceed to... Well, move in together. But for now, this would have to do. Handing the vampire the fresh set of pants, Dakota was about to go answer the door when his mate spoke up again. Shooting Zachary a knowing smirk and trying not to picture what they’d be doing later so the arousal in his pants didn’t get worse, the brunette made his way to the front entrance and opened the door. As expected, Red showed up first. At any initial glance, the young beta female didn’t appear all that intimidating, but she was a fierce fighter and had the brains to back it up - hence why she was ranked as Koda’s righthand. Stepping to the side to allow his packmate in the suite, the canine didn’t even get a single word in before strong hands were grabbing at his collar and pulling down his shirt to get a better look at the fresh mark on his neck. Right... He probably should’ve covered that up more. “Where is he?!” The redhead fumed, storming into the apartment and scanning the small space with a deadly expression. About to shut the door and calm down his irate comrade, a gentle clearing of a throat made Dakota’s ears perk up and his head turn back towards the entrance. There stood Oliver - one of his other packmates - sporting a sheepish grin and scratching the back of his head. “I’m sorry, I thought you said to show up at this time, but, um...” The boy’s hazel eyes flicked between his alpha - who’s ears and tail were still out - and Red, who was still fuming and glaring at him as if she was about to change targets suddenly. “I can come back..?” The soft spoken wolf offered with an awkward laugh, taking a half step back and raising his hands in a defensive manner. Exhaling slowly and rubbing at his temples, Dakota gestured for the other male to come inside. “Get in.” He ordered, shutting the door once both of his packmates were in the suite. “Do you see this?” Red snarled, yanking down the brunette’s collar again to show off the mark on his neck to Oliver. “That fucking leech has gone too far, I told you to stop leaving the group when your cycles hit!” She continued, running her hands through her fiery hair and pacing around the small entranceway. “Oh god... Is that real..?” Oliver’s meek voice broke through the tension, his hand reaching forward to hesitantly touch at the bite decorating Koda’s neck. “Both of you need to keep your fucking voices down.” The alpha growled lowly, swatting the blonde’s hand away and turning his attention to Red. “Zachary isn’t solely at blame here.” “Of course he is!” Red snapped back, her own ears popping up atop her head as her emotions got the best of her. “That piece of shit has been after you for years, and now he’s gone and fucked up your mating cycle by marking you. It’s no wonder you came back so soon, your body probably thinks it’s mated with that bloodsucking son of a b-“ A sudden loud and menacing snarl rang through the apartment, silencing the angry redhead immediately. Stepping forward until he had backed his subordinate up against a wall, Dakota’s eyes flickered dangerously as he glared down at his packmate. “That /leech/ belongs to me.” He growled, his canines elongated and threatening as he barred his teeth in a cautionary manner. “I marked him back, so you can either shut up and hear what I have to say, or get the fuck out of my sight.” The alpha ordered, earning a whimper from Oliver and a slow nod from Red, who appeared no less frustrated, but had submitted nonetheless.

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