Chapter 1: What a nice day

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Chapter 1: What a nice day

I can do this.

I can.


Can I?

I sighed and stared at the wooden floor

I need to at least tell them I'm moving out. I just hope they won't lash out at me again which is impossible...

I am now 11 years old walking down the stairs with my backpack, on my way to my drunk 'Father' and my 'Mother' who are watching in the living room.

As I reached the end of the stairs, I felt my heart beat faster as I doubted my decision all over again

It's now or never Minji. You gotta do this.

I walked over my adoptive parents, my Dad ignored me while Mom stared at me annoyingly

"What's all that?" She asks before clicking her tounge at my attire

"Mom... Dad... I...." I started trailing off which caught my Dad's attention

"What now?!" His tone harsh and impatient. Clearly, he was drunk.

"I...... I want to move out..." I finished nervously fidgeting in my place

There was a moment of silence before I heard a

"No." They both said in unison

"Why not? Y- You don't even treat me as a daughter anymore! And... all you do is beat me u-"

"YOU WILL NOT LEAVE THIS GROUND YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Mom yelled furiously as my Dad went to kitchen and is suprisingly quiet

"Please!! I just can't do it anymore! I'm tired! Just.... please...." I reasoned myself

"You can't. You don't have anywhere to go, you can't live by yourself. And I won't let-" She was cut off by a knife stabbed from her back

"You're too loud." My Father calmly stated

"What the-" Mom fell with a look of betrayal last seen in her eyes, blood soon begins to spread on the wooden floo,r lifeless.




He just killed his fxcking wife.

I stared at the lifeless body and the murderer eyes shifting between the two of them. My eyes slowly got filled with shock and horror as I realized the situation

"Wait....." Dad stared at the lifeless body infront of him

He widened his eyes as he kneeled down and touched the blood on the ground "No....."

He started breathing heavily and scooped the blood into his palms and transferred it to the unmoving mouth of my mother "No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No........."

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