Chapter 36: Let's go.

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Chapter 36: Let's go.

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

"Why are you here?"

I lazily averted my eyes to him

I was lying on a couch with the rest of the occupied guards assigned to Neon.

I really thought I was going to fight Chrollo that day but he just chuckled and ruffled my hair saying I still need to grow

Just, what the hell.

The leader continued speaking "You're fired. How did you even get in here?"

I groaned as I took a sip of the water beside me "Don't even remind- pffttt!!"

I spitted out the water I was drinking and looked at it "Wtf is this? Vodka?"

Kurapika narrowed his eyes "Language. And you're a minor."

I raised my hands in exhaustion "Sorry! Not sorry. I didn't mean it!" I reasoned out

I stared at the remaining alcohol "Maybe it won't hurt to try..."

The group panicked "No no no no no-"

~~Kurapika's P.O.V.~~

I just stood there with my mouth hanging open as I watched Minji drink the whole glass...

I mean, she's a minor! A twelve-year old!

My companions halted their movements as they witnessed a tweleve-year old drink a whole glass of alcohol

She placed the glass on the table like nothing happened "What?"

I neared her "Are you okay...?" I asked, unsure

Her eyes became a bit droopy and she nodded "Yeah why?"

She then suddenly clasped her hands together "Oh! I almost forgot! One of us is gonna die tonight!" She smiled like an idiot

Yeah. She's drunk.

She giggled and stared at me for a while with her head tilting to the side

Her face was emotionless

I was confused "What's the matter?"

"Uvogin is going to escape."


We suddenly heard an explosion coming from the room where Uvogin, a member of the spider which I caught, was confined


Our leader rushed to the scene then Minji stumbled towards me and grabbed my hand

"Let's go."


I carried a drunk Minji in a piggyback ride

"Kuwapikaahh~" She slurred

"What is it?"

She pouted "Aw I cute?"

My eyebrows scrunched, doing my best to understand her as I answered confused "Uhh.. Yes. Why?"

She smiled and giggled "Faaank yuuu!! Yo cute shuu!! Hehehe"

I just chuckled and continued to walk... Suddenly, she started...


I halted my movements and panicked "Minji?! W-What happened?! Are you okay?"

She calmed down, enough for me to understand her "D-Dow't panic but...."

"Kuwapikaaa... Wu havee chu headss!!!" She broke down

She's really drunk!

I sweatdropped "That's probably because you're drunk Minji..."

I then felt a hand touching my head


And that's how Kurapika became deaf at the age of 15.


~~Minji's P.O.V.~~





My head hurts...

"I will have to disagree."

"Oh come on~ She's my blood after all~"

"Still, I don't trust you."


What's happening?

I slowly opened my eyes as I saw a blonde hair blocking my point of view

What the...

It's blurry...


I closed my eyes due to the pain

"Fxck it hurts."



I opened my eyes to see a clown- Oh. That's Hisoka.

I gave a tired smile "Hi, you bloody clown"

He smirked "Long time no see~"

I felt someone lifting me and realized it's Pika "Oh. Hi Pika."

I really am just a second thought... Kurapika thought.

I looked around "What are you doing here- shxt."

The pain halted my sentence as I grabbed my head "My head hurts like hell."

Hisoka chuckled "That's called hangover"

I raised an eyebrow "Hangov- Oh. Ohhh.. OHHHH!!!"


I just rested my head on Pika's shoulder "No wonder..."

Hiso stared at me before continuing his statement before "As I was saying, you're free to call me. And bye Minji."

My head jolted up but ached due to the action "Ow... Bye? I wanna come with you..."

He smiled misch
ievously and waved his finger "No. No. No."

He started walking away before speaking "It's your choice." And disappeared

My head went limp "Great. He's gone."

Pika sighed "Come on, let's buy you something to treat your hangover"

I jumped down him "You have work I can... I can..." I stumbled and fell

Kurapika caught me before I hit the ground and chuckled "Can you do it?"

I looked down in embarassment and shook my head

He smiled genuinely and kneeled infront "Hop on and let's go."


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