Chapter 5: Do you want to come with me?

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Chapter 5: Do you want to come with me?

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

"I was looking for you Minji Morrow."


Now I was even more confused "Why are you looking for me?"

He then turned serious

So he can be serious...

"You're not from this world" he started

"What do you mean? I am. I was raised here" I ask

"You're from the HxH world. I am a close friend of your Mom..."

I quickly shot up "You know my Mom?"

He nodded "Yes. In fact, your brother was my student."

Wait..... Kite??

"Come to think of it, Kite also trained under me....."

So it's not him....

This intrigued me more "I HAVE A FXCKING BROTHER HOLY MATHARFACK!! AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU WERE ALSO A TEACHER!" my hand hovering above my mouth in shock

He just sighed "I just hope you don't faint from shock again, and nope, I'm not exactly a teacher. He just trained under me. And last one, Language." He finishes

I came closer to him "Sorry not sorry but, pleaseeee tell me!! Tell me more!!" my eyes practically shining

He just rolled his eyes and smirked "You just gotta find that out yourself."

I blinked at him






"EH?!!!" I exclaimed

"Whyyyy??????" I say while shaking his shoulders back and forth

He crossed his arms "Whatever, that's just how it is. So, have any questions?"

I stopped shaking him with a thoughtful look on my face

An idea popped into my mind "Do you know my Dad?" I asked avoiding any personal ones

He nodded "Yeah. Actually we met in the Hunter's exam with your Mother."

I nodded understanding "Do you know why they abandoned me here?"

"They didn't abandon you. That's all I could say."

Oh... Okay.

"Last one."


I narrowed my eyes at him "If HxH is another world, then how did you get in here? In this world?"

He sighs

I've been sighing a lot lately.. He thought.

"There is some kind of portal that only Enhancers, Specialists, and Conjurers can create, there are also other ways how but I'm not gonna tell you that."

I nodded "Mkay. Understood."

"I have a question for you" Ging asked me

I look at him expecting the question

He looks at me in the eye "Do you want to see your family?"

I smile "Of course I do."

"Will you be ready to abandon all of the things in this world to see them?"

My smile slowly turned into a frown as I look around me seeing my animal friends

I closed my eyes and answered

"I do."

He started standing up "Do you want to build a new life on another world?"

I thought about the possibilities and risks of doing so. Nevertheless, I answered "I do."

He dusted himself and walked over an open space with his backpack

"Turn around" he said

I was confused so I tilted my head but also obliged. Moments passed and he finally told me to face him.

There sat something that looks like a portal its shape is a vertical rectangle but the top was round as half of a circle.

It was framed by vines and branches that are twisted with each other with leaves and flowers placed on them.

On the inside is pure white light with bits of black and gray spots lingering around. It was beautiful

He laughed at my reaction "Close your mouth, you'll catch a fly"

I quickly clasped both of my hands on my mouth "Shorwry!" my hand muffled what I just said

"I have one last question" he started and reached his hand out to me

He gave me a smirk "Do you want to come with me?"

I gave him a determined look and took his hand

"I do."


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