Chapter 20: Phase 4 (PART 2)

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Chapter 20: Phase 4 (PART 2)

~~Amiko's P.O.V.~~

Minji helped me to stand up and started walking away as a red squirrel magically appeared on her head

She waved not looking back and bid me goodbye

"See ya Miko!"



I stared into space and I noticed her suddenly vanished

"Huh? Wait! Minji! I have a lot of questions and... and...." I trail off

Ugh. She's gone.

I sighed and limply placed my hands in my pockets


I felt something and took it out

There I saw a tag that has a number of...




It has a note that states..

'Give that to me when you get stronger. Give me another good fight. See ya~'



~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

I hid from Amiko's sight and continued walking to find Hisoka







I giggled. Looks like he found out.

"Welp. Better get outta here before he kills me. Not that he can anyways"

I placed my own hands in my pockets and jumped from tree to tree with Ski following after me

I suddenly detected a bloodlust. A strong one which made me halt.


"Ugh! He's in bloodlust mode! I'm too late!" I cried

Ahah! I'll just look for 3 tags for me and 1 for Hisoka so I can switch with him! Great! Way to go Minji!

I mentally patted my back and started looking for targets

Where should I go?


I found Hisoka resting on the place where he and Illumi met earlier

"Yo. Hiso-chan!"

He didn't bother to open his eyes "What is it?"

"Can I switch tags with you? You have my target and I have an extra one to compensate for it."

"I don't have it"

"Yes you do."



"I said it's not here."

I smirked "Then what's this?" I held up a tag that has the number of my target

He examined the number "How did you get that?"

I threw my extra tag to him to which he caught with ease "That's a se-cret!"

She's very secretive.. How did she even know? Hisoka thought.

"Well, my job here is done. See you around!"

I started to walk away and I tossed and caught my target's tag

That sniper girl is sneaky, but you can't escape the great Illumi.


Nope. He's not great at all. I bet he wants to kill me and Gon later... But, good thing he took that gun-girl down in a second...

Welp. I should go look for....



Who should I look for?


I'm walking towards the said site when someone announced that we should get back in a very loud microphone

Mou... She's so noisy... Sigh.. I ended up finding no one..

From afar, I saw a white haired boy that has his hands inside his pockets and has a foot above his skateboard

"YOOO SILVERHEAAAAD!!!" I called (more like yelled)

He turned around and recognized my figure

"YOOO MINJIII!!!" he waved

I finally caught up to him and we chatted about what we did throughout the phase

"Only one minute before the 4th Phase to end!!"

I covered my ears "Seriously, that girl is damn noisy..."

Killua glanced at the forest "Do you think Gon and the others will make it?"

I smiled proudly and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder "Don't worry, they'll definitely make it. There's no problem! It's them we're talking about"

Killu finally smiled "Yeah..."

Finally, Kurapika along with Leorio and Gon arrived

We greeted each other and conversed until a blimp appeared and so we were told to board it.

We were told to wait so we did and at the corner of my eye, I saw Miko staring at me

I met his eyes and winked at him when he suddenly turned all red and gave a nervous wave

Seriously, what's with people and going all tomato?

Amiko suddenly felt a shiver down his spine as three males, a silverhead, blonde, and a spiky haired one were glaring daggers at him.

This guy... They thought, annoyed

Gon turned to me "Ne Minji, how come you wink at other guys and not at us?"


I ruffled his hair "It's nothing Gon. Why do you ask?"

He placed a finger on his chin "I think I'm just curious..."

He's so bold! Blondie and Silverhead thought.

"Well, all we gotta do is wait!"


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