Chapter 41: Go

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Chapter 41: Go

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

I looked at the small opening that let's me see what's happening

We are inside an abandoned building. There are debris and stuff everywhere and the place is very deserted. It is also surrounded by other buildings like this so that the hideout wouldn't be so obvious

All of the spiders are present except for its head, Chrollo.

Oh. Uvogin too. He's dead.

Huh? He's dead but who killed him?

Gon and Killua are standing side by side, while talking to Nobunaga


This is bad...

I couldn't even prevent this from happening...

I mean, I don't remember separating from...

Ah! The masked person! With t-the green eyes!! He/she was about to kill me then...

Huh? What happened after that?

I shook my head lightly, burying my thoughts at the back of my mind

No... Now is not the right time to think about that!

I silently crawled in the vent, maintaining my Zetsu that I had activated

I need to save Gon and Killua!!



In a split second, I heard a slice right behind me.

I shakily looked back to see the heel of my boot, cut into half

I turned white


Suddenly, a thread wrapped my ankle

Ugh. I knew it.

It suddenly pulled me out the vent which caused me to yelp "The fxckkk!"

When I opened my eyes, everything's upside down

I blinked "Did you turn into bats?"

A card flew to slice the thread and I landed on my feet flawlessly

Damn. I look so cool!

I then suddenly remembered how I was pulled out of the vent. I sweatdropped

Maybe not so cool.

A gun pointed at me "Who are you."

I checked my boot "Damn. You sliced my boot it's getting hard to walk. Who did this?" I asked, ignoring the question

In a split second, someone is now behind me, a katana pointed at my neck

Heh. I recognize this sword.

"You don't know what you've gotten yourself into.." a voice spoke in a low tone

I smirked "I wouldn't say that if I were you pretty boy.."

He narrowed his eyes

You're an idiot Minji. He thought.

I chuckled

I'm an idiot Min-Min.

Feitan held his sword firmly, waiting for my next move

I am within the presence of the Phantom Troupe, known as the spiders. Thanks to my encounter with a scary Feitan the other day, I was able to withstand the aura and intimidation they are emitting

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