Chapter 49: I think...

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Chapter 49: I think...

~~Minji’s P.O.V.~~







I calmed myself down as tears slowed down from cascading my cheeks

Ikalgo walked up to me and offered a box of tissues

I took it from him and wiped my tears along with my bloody hands “Thanks.”

There was silence between us and only the shuffling of nurses and the beeping of machines can be heard

Ikalgo looked up at the unconscious Killua “What is he to you?”

I also looked at the silverhead “A friend.”

I smiled “A very important friend.”

He tilted his head “Just a friend?”

My eyes widened and blush crept onto my face “Ehh… EEEEHHH?? Umm… I… I…”

I closed my eyes and sighed “I don’t know…”



I don't know.




God what is this? This is so awkward wtf.

“I was an enemy.”

My head perked up “What?”

He looked at the ground guiltily “I was an enemy. I’m a sniper that targeted him. I was ready to die. I was going to jump to my own grave but he saved me.”

I listened to him as he continued with a troubled expression “Why… Why did he save me? I’m an enemy. I was trying to kill him..”

“And now you just saved him didn’t you?”

He slowly lifted his head with surprised eyes and stared at me

I smiled “You saved him. Thank you.”

He just nodded and decided to introduce himself “I’m Ikalgo.”

A Chimera Ant.


We went back to our own businesses and I sighed remembering my escape

I’m sorry guys, I’ll be back I swear.

I look down and clenched one of my hands



“Come on!! You can’t be just… Close Friends! It has to be something more!! Don’t hide it!” I lashed out at my own Mom

She backed away a bit and waved her hands frantically, seeming to be nervous “Wha?? What?? What are you saying??”

Riku and I waited for her answer, becoming desperate

Seeing our expression, Mom sighed and decided to let the cat out of the bag “Okay Umm…”

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