Chapter 28: Haven't had this fun in a while...

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Chapter 28: Haven't had this fun in a while...

~~Killua's P.O.V.~~


I looked around me to confirm my suspicions

Hmm... No one's here... But I'm pretty sure I heard somethi-

I felt a finger poke on my back

I whipped my head to the left to see but no ones there.


Then I felt something....


I whipped my head once again to be met by darkness

I feel hot..

The kiss somewhat made me blush

I look behind me just in case with the red still tainting my face

"Huh? Is Killua blushing?"

That voice...

I quickly turned my head to the front only to be met by a pretty golden pair of eyes



Huh... hAAAAAAAAAAhhh??

O-Our faces are... i-inches apart...

My face went completely red as I tried my best to pry my face away "O-Oi b-baka! What do you think y-you're doing?!"

She giggled "But, you're just so cute Killua...."

I turned my face away from her to hide my blushing self

I mean, who wouldn't be flustered by that?!

"Anyways, how did you even get here Minji?"

Minji smiled "It's a se-cret!"

I chuckled "I'm just glad you're not hurt.." calming myself down

She chuckled back and I heard footsteps and a presence moving towards this room

I started panicking a bit "Minji. Someone's coming here. Hide!

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~


Hide! I need to hide... Aha! Perfect!

I hid myself just as the mr./ms. someone entered

That someone entered but paused on doing anything, as if shocked

Yosh! I'm still using zetsu so he wouldn't be able to sense nor see me!

Killua suddenly sighed, facepalming himself mentally and the someone suddenly sweatdropped along with Killua

The scene there is the someone still holding the doorknob, Killua hanging on the chains, and me....


Hiding behind Killua COMPLETELY visible to the stranger.

What great hiding spot baka! Killua thought.

The stranger chuckled "Please come out young lady.. I can see you.."


I leaned a bit to Killua and whispered "Is he referring to me?"

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