Chapter 51: Lied....?

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Chapter 51: Lied....?

~~No One’s P.O.V.~~


The three, Shoot, Knuckle, and Meleoron are still stuck with the first enemy to be seen


Shoot was still avoiding Youpi’s continuous barrage of attacks as he tried to land his own attack numerous times.

And failed.

And tried again.

And failed.

He balanced himself on one foot, standing on one of his disembodied fists.

Shoot was now covered in blood.

His blood.

Just as he recklessly avoided Youpi’s continuous barrage of attacks

But both Youpi and Shoot shared the same objective

I have to separate him from the King as long as possible! They thought.

Protect the King! Youpi thought.
Defeat the King! Shoot thought.

Back on the pair, far enough not to be in the enemy’s attack range, he invisible Knuckle and Meleoron had no choice but to stay hidden as they silently watched their comrade receive tons of injuries from the enemy’s attack

Not yet… Knuckle thought.

Gushes of blood, flesh, and continuous exchange of attacks filled the frustrated eyes of the invisible pair

Not yet! Knuckle thought.

For the two, especially Knuckle, staying hidden was a battle itself.

Youpi still doesn’t know of our presence. If we were to attack, it will be like telling him outright that there’s another enemy he needs to worry about. Meleoron thought.

Watching their comrade fight and get injured, Knuckle couldn’t help the tears from cascading his dried cheeks as he clenched his jaw from frustration

NOT YET!! He thought.


“YOU CAN DO IIITT!!!” Knuckle exclaimed

But his screams didn’t reach anyone’s ears.


On the otherhand, Ikalgo inside an enemy’s body, Flutter, proceeded to move to the underground to search for palm

I may not know her, but she’s risking her life out there! Ikalgo thought.

He continued running and searching for the said comrade. He had already resolved that he wouldn’t leave the palace until he finds her

“I must finish my mission!” He muttered.

Little did he know, two pair of eyes are filled with suspicion upon seeing his movemnets

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