Chapter 38: Intimidating

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Chapter 38: Intimidating

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~


He walked slowly and stooped down to my level "So... What was close?"

I started sweating bullets as I scratched the back of my head "Ah... N-Nothing? Ehhehe.."

I then felt vibrations coming from my bag

Ski's trembling!!

I finally met his eyes once again with a reluctant gaze "Uhh... Ski is shaking..."

Then suddenly, the scary, intimidating aura he oozes, disappeared in thin air

He sat beside me "Don't worry Skirrus. I won't hurt you nor Ji-Ji."

The vibrations stopped as I released a breath I didn't know I was holding and fell on Feitan's lap due to shock

He widened his eyes as soon as I made contact and tensed

I panted "That... was scary... I didn't know you could be so intimidating Min-Min..."

She used my nickname... He thought.

He relaxed and chuckled "I did it because I wanted to scare you."



He held his head as I scolded him "Why would you do that dumbass!! I was so scared! Ski was also shaking in his boots and- Mmphh!!"

He covered my mouth and rolled his eyes "You're too loud."

I stared at him and he removed his hand when I wasn't resisting anymore

Silence surrounded us as the chatters and footsteps of the people passing the ally were the only ones being heard

I sat up and faced Feitan, leaving him confused at my actions until I spoke "I'm really glad to see this side of you Min-Min..." I stated honestly

His eyes widened

This side..? I'm a killer. A theif. She should've hated it. Should've hated me... But... She was glad? He thought.

He looked down glumly and blurted out subconsciously "Why...?" Said with a shaky voice

He started to stare into space, different questions entering his mind when he felt someone breathing beside his ear

His eyes widened as I closed the distance between my lips and his ear and whispered

"Cause you're hot."

He abruptly pulled away and backed a few feet before holding his ear and his face turning into a tomato

"Pfffft!!! HAHHAHAHAHA!!" I broke out in laughter with tears threatening to spill from the corner of my eyes

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