Chapter 27: Wrong move..

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Chapter 27: Wrong move..

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~






"When will he...."

So... Basically Leorio is now hanging on the hut's door, trying to stubbornly open it. After all, the door weighs A LOT!

"I can do it. I'm a man. Yeah! A man! I can- owwwww!!!!!"

I am now sitting on his shoulders while pinching his ears

"You baka! Everyone knows you can't open it! You've been doing that for three minutes straight!"

He started stumbling "You disrespectful brat! Who are you calling an idiot huh?"

The other three just sweatdropped at us

Mou. I've had enough.

I backflipped to part from him and landed behind-

Oops. Looks like that made him out of balance....

He started falling backwards due to the lack of balance and I caught him with my arms before he smashes his head to the ground

I sighed "Being a man isn't about strength."

This piqued Lori's interest after regaining his senses and started listening to me

I smiled at him warmly "Being a man is about fighting for your goal."

Leorio stared at me unbelieving before red started to form in his cheeks due to embarrassment "I don't need lecture from a kid..." he muttered bashfully just enough for us to hear

We all laughed and giggled at his silliness as he stood up and scratched the back of his head

I chuckled "Haaah?? Are you pouting Lori??"

"It's Leorio!"

Cerebro broke the laughter and started explaining "As you can see, an inexperienced person will not be able to open this. After all, this door weighs 40kg and other objects inside weighs more than...." Cerebro's voice slowly became a background sound to us as we were drowned in our own thoughts.

For-              Kurapika.

Ty-                Leorio.

Kilo-             Gon.

Grams?!       Me.

~~Timeskip brought to you by my laaazzyy aaass~~

Are they asleep?

I lifted myself too look at my friends inside the room we're staying in

I managed to see through the dark since I'm kinda used to it

Ah.. They're sleeping...

I stood on my tippy toes.....

Creeping around like no one knows~

Ahem.. So...

I looked for a window and found one beside Gon and so, I went for it.

I jumped out and landed flawlessl- Ow!

I landed on the soil upside down with a sweatdrop

It wasn't flawless after all... Ugh. My muscles also hurts from those training we did. Just how heavy are the things here?!

I stood and dusted myself off. I started walking. Then I jogged. And jogging became running.

A bright smile subconsciously made its way on my face

Wait for me Killua....

~~Timeskip AGAINN~~

~~???'s P.O.V.~~

So the girl is here huh?

She's quite interesting I can feel it....

I chuckled "It's impressive she even passed Canary...."

I stood up from my seat and started walking towards Kil's confinement room, taking my time

Let's see...

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

I jumped to another tree and a big mansion came into view

Yosh, here I am!

I tried junping onto different trees again to find windows and...


I noticed that the light inside the room with these are off. But one of them reflecfed the light of the moon in my position

Well, let's just hope that luck is on my side...

I jumped onto the tree that is nearest to the window and started climbing onto the very top of it

It's okay Minji. Just don't look down. Don't look- I'm looking dowaaaahhhhh....

I quickly clutched the branch to my chest, holding it for dear life as my legs turned to jello


I'm falling....

Am I gonna die here?

Tears started to flow out of my eyes as time seems to slow down..

I'm gonna die...

Past events that occured in my life came flashing in my eyes

I don't wanna die...

Everyone... Ging... My adoptive parents... My animal friends...

Sorry... I failed yo- "Ow!"

I felt my back colliding with something...


And smooth!

I laid on my stomach just to be met with a larger pair of eyes

My eyes went bright "MIIKEEE!!"

He somehow chuckled "I see your going bright after almost losing your life hehehe"

Ah! That's right!

I quickly looked aroun-


I'm still near the tree where the mansion went visible. And... That's the tree closest to the window. So far..

So I daydreamed huh?

I scratched my head and turned to Mike "Sorry. Oh! Thanks for saving me by the way ehehehe....." I chuckled nervously

Mike sighed and walked towards the window that reflected the moonlight "This is the least I can do for you. You're on your own for the rest."

I smiled genuinely and kissed Mike on his snout between his eyes "Thanks Mike!" And I jumped to the window quietly and used zetsu (concealing my presence) before doing so.

I wave at Mike and he just gave me a wink to which I giggled to-

Oops. Wrong move...


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