Chapter 45: Finally

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Chapter 45: Finally

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~


All I can see is red.


There's so much blood..


The disgusting smell and feeling of flesh through my hands.


Who's screaming?


Stop it.

"Stop i- AAAAGHHH!!!"


Bloodcurling roars of plea rang through my ears

Please... Stop it..

Silence suddenly embraced the whole place

Wait. No...

Someone's laughing..


That's right.



I'm laughing.


Why am I laughing?


My eyes darted to my hands


My breathing got heavier as I stared at my hands

There's blood and chunks of flesh all over it.

I'm still laughing.


What happened..?


What... Did I do...?


I opened my eyes but quickly shut it due to the sudden wash of pain

Ugh. My head..

I held my aching head in my hand and massaged my temples

Ugh. I wish I could go back to sleep!! My head hurts..

"Ah. The brat finally woke up."

My eyes quickly shot open

This voice...

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