Chapter 19: Phase 4

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Chapter 19: Phase 4

~~Minji's P.O V.~~

I was roaming the forest since i couldn't find Hiso-chan

Damn! He really didn't want me near him does he?

I was thinking on how I could get there in time before Illumi shows up and give Hiso my target

I sigh. It's been days.....

Suddenly we felt a presence

"Minji." Ski warned

I stood calmly "I know."

This one is quite powerful. I like it~

Ugh. I think I'm becoming more like Hisoka somehow..

"Come out now. I know you're using Zetsu but I can still sense you.."

Rustling of leaves echoed in our ears I looked towards the noise to the left and dodged an arrow from the right

Blood begin to flow from my nicked cheek to my chin as I grinned

"What a trick" I chuckled

My hunter suddenly came out from behind as I turned around to examine him.

I think he's around my age. *cough* my physical age *cough* he has a hazelnut colored hair with pale skin. His figure is lean but well-built. Hes a bit tall with fierce red eyes

He's so handsome!!!

I was internally drooling while he had a smug look on his face

"Like what you see?"


"No." I stated calmly and licked the blood that was nearing my lip

I tilted my head and leaked my bloodlust with a shadow covering my eyes together with a crazed grin

"Do you want to play~ ?"

Then let's play~

~~??? P.O.V.~~






I stood my ground unbothered with her creepiness and focused

I shot multiple arrows at her and she dodged it with ease

I furrowed my eyebrows

Shes good..

"Why don't we use our fist to fight? I'm sure it'll be more fun~"

I ignored her and continued shooting projectiles which she either dodged or blocked

Why isn't she fighting back?

Not yet~ She thought.

I abruptly stopped moving. "Why aren't you fighting back?"

She followed my actions and placed her hands at the back of her head as if relaxing "I told you. I want a fist fight. And I don't wanna kill you yet."

I narrowed my eyes. Is she serious? And... Yet?

I made my bow dissapear and readied my fist. Her eyes suddenly widened in amazement

"Sugeee~ you can make it disappear? Can you summon other weapons too? Is it made of nen? Ne tell meee!!!" her eyes practically shining

I sweatdropped

Now she's childish...

I chuckled "Let's start. You wanna play right?"

Suddenly her sparkling eyes changed into an excited one

"Heck Yeah!"


~~No one's P.O.V.~~

There laid a boy on the grass, a girl crouching and both were catching their breaths

The female laughed "I can't believe I had to use half of my strength with you.. It's been a long time..."

The male chuckled "Heh. You really are strong. I understimated you."

The girl finally laid beside the boy exhausted "Mou, (Geez) that was a really great fight. You're strong. Don't forget that."

He looked over her suprised by her words

Why is she telling me this? Say.... Now that I get to see her up close, she's cute.


WHAT?! Who's cute? Did I actually call her cute? No! No one's cute! I barely know her. Ugh! Get a grip-


"Huh?" he blinked

The girl furrowed her eyebrows "Are you okay? You've been spacing out and- WHY ARE YOU ALL RED?!"

The bot got flustered "H-huh?"

She was about to touch his forehead but he covered his face with his hands "Aaaaaggh!"

The boy heard rustling and he peeked through his fingers to see what's happening

The girl was shuffling through her bag as if looking for something as the boy took his hands of his tomato face and asked out of curiosity

"What are you doing?"

She ignored him and finally found what she's looking for "Found ya!" she exclaimed

She sat infront of the flustered boy criss-crossed "Don't move."

He obliged and she started to treat his wounds

He looked up at her confused

Why...? He thought

"Why...?" he voiced out

The girl looked up "Huh?"

He looked down guiltily and confusingly

"Why would you help me? The person who tried to hurt you? I'm an enemy..."

She frowned "This phase requires us to obtain your target's-"

"Even so, why would you help me?"

"Because we're human."

He looked up with wide crimson eyes and stared at the girl

She just gave him a closed-eye smile "Everyone needs help sometimes right?"

His shocked face turned into a smiling one "Mm!"

Soon enough, she finished treating him "There! All done!"

The boy smiled "Thanks."

The said girl stood up and held a hand out "I'm Minji! Care to tell me your name?"

The boy smiled and took her hand


~~End of Flashback~~


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