Chapter 26: By paws (Edited)

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Chapter 26: By paws (Edited)

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

"Ughh... Are we there yet?" Leorio whined

We are now walking through the woods for a few hours. Leorio can't open the gate in the end.

I clicked my tongue at him "You really are a whiny baby huh? Shut up."

"Huh? I'm not a baby! I'm a man!" He defended

I scoffed "Yeah. An old man."

"I'm 19!"

"Hi 19."

Lori's face was beet red as of now, with smokes coming out of his ears and nose

Kurapika smiled at us and Gon just giggled

"Oh. I suddenly remembered Mike. I didn't imagine Killua would have a pet like that. So scary..." Gon added




"Now let me hear your opinion after this" Cerebro-san said to Gon

We readied ourselves for what's coming. Cerebro whistled and after a few seconds, slow, heavy footsteps are heard.

Here he is!

Soon enough, a giant creature that looks like a dog (doberman figure) with an indigo fur appeared behind the tall trees.

The three, Gon,Pika, and Lori gasped at the sight. Gon started shaking and sweating a bit after taking a good look on the said specie


Cerebro turned to Gon "How about now? Do you still want to fight him?"

Gon stared at the animal in fear before replying "I don't think so... I-I think I'll be sca- MINJI?!"

I was slowly walking towards Mike as the people behind me started to panic

"Minji come back!"

"Oi! Baka! Do you want to die?!"

"Young miss, please halt! I don't want young master Killua to lose a friend.."

Gon was about to stop Minji when Kurapika halted him "It's Minji. We have to believe in her."

They hesitated but nodded nonetheless and watched the scene before them

He's right. It's Minji we're talking about.... Gon thought.

I neared Mike and he growled a bit when I said

"Hi Mike."

Hi eyes widened a bit as the growling stop

"How.... How come I understand you?"

I smiled at him and explained "I can communicate with animals and that way, they can understand me too."

For people unfamiliar with the creature, they can't read the expression that was written in Mike's face right now. But I can.

It's bewilderment.

He suddenly laid down on his stomach with his nose almost touching me "This is the first time I've talked to someone.... I'm glad it's you..."

I smiled then hugged his nose and he closed his eyes, genuinely accepting my warmth.

The rest of my companion had their jaws on the floor

H-How did she..... They all thought.

I let go of Mike and turned to Cerebro-san "How long are we going to get there by foot?"

He and the others snapped out of their trance and Cerebro answered "It'll take 4 hours at least..."

I smirked "I guess we're going to find out how long it takes by paws." And looked at Mike and their line of vision followed mine too

Huh? Mike thought.

~~Timeskip brought to you by Mike's softness~~

We carefully got down from Mikes back and Leorio's still hanging on Kurapika as if his life depended on him

Leorio and Kurapika.... I really ship them!!

That's me fangirling on the inside.

Earlier, I asked Mike to give us a ride to Cerebro's hut so that no time is wasted

I turned back to Mike "Thanks Mike!!"

Mike chuckled somehow "I'll let the fact that you made your car off the hook since you're nice"

I also chuckled "Sorry!" I raised a peace sign at him and gave a closed eye smile

"See ya Mike!"

He started walking away but stopped suddenly to say "Oh. And you still need exercise kay?"

I was confused "Huh?

He then started running away which caused the soil to vibrate a little

I shook the confused thought off and started walkimg towards our destination "Yosh! Let's go-"





There's nothing in here but trees...

I looked left and right "Uhh... Cerebro-san? Where's your house?"

Cerebro continued looking around and placed a hand on his chin "Based on the surroundings, I'll say it'll take another 2 hours to go there.."



"Oh. And you still need exercise kay?"




~~End of Flashback~~


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