Chapter 3: Do you trust me?

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Chapter 3: Do you trust me?

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

I woke up to someone tapping my cheeks with their palm rapidly while saying "Hey, wake up. Heeyyy~~"

I opened my eyes to see the man earlier retracting his hands as soon as he saw me waking up

He chuckled and smiled brightly, with his teeth showing "Heyy!! Thought I lost you there!"









( A/N: Pffftttt Hahahahah just kidding!! Sorry I had to.. 😁. Thanks All Might!!)

( Oh for those who watched the anime 'Boku No/My Hero Academia' this is for youuu!! And for those who don't....




Just ignore me hehe

( *cough* *cough* Now time to get serious! )


~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulders while saying "Hey, wake up, Heyy!!"

I opened my eyes to see the man from earlier.

I managed to let out a "Wha... What..."

"You fainted after I healed you, are you okay?" He asks worried

And that's when memories came flooding back to my head and it hit me hard.

Ugh! I wish I can go back to sleep!! My head hurts

"Sorry for shocking you by the way ehehe..." He added and placed a hand at the back of his head while laughing nervously

I groaned and sitted up looking at my body for a while, and then I remembered,

The wound!

I quickly lifted my shirt enough for me to see and unwrapped the cloth around me, ignoring the man and I saw the place where my wound was.

It's gone.

I looked at the man expecting an explanation.

He suddenly started to look uncomfortable while looking for the right words "Eto...." (Ummm...)

What do I say? What do I say? He thought

I sigh before speaking "It's okay if you don't want to explain." I smiled genuinely at him before reaching out my hand towards him

"Thanks for saving my life. I'm Minji Morrow by the way" I added.

He looked at me shocked, eyes widening.

Minji... Morrow? He thought

He then came back to his senses and took your hand to shake it.

"No problem. My name is Ging-.... -ger..." He says with wide eyes as if realizing something

I tilted my head "Ginger?" I ask

He started sweating a bit before saying "Y-Yeah that's right! My name's Ginger!"

Ginger. What a cute name. I thought.

"Nice to meet you Ginger!" I smile

He just smiles back before looking at me intensely

I ask "Wha-"

"Can I borrow your knife?" He cut me off

I was confused "Uhh.. Okay..." I reached for the knife and gave it to him.

But as soon as I did, he hit me upside the head.

"BAKA! (Stupid) WHY WOULD YOU LET A STRANGER BORROW YOUR KNIFE?! WHAT IF THEY USE IT TO KILL YOU?!" He shouted at me a tick sign appearing on his forehead.

I grew a tick sign myself "BAKA! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO ASKED FOR IT! AND NOW YOU'RE TELLING ME WHY I LET YOU BORROW IT?! BAKA!" I yell back clearly annoyed

He calms down and pinched the bridge of his nose "I'm just telling you not to trust others easily, especially strangers ya know?" He finishes

"Yea Yea I know, I'm not a little kid anymore. It's just...." I say trailing off

"It's just there's something inside me telling me to trust you." I look at him in the eyes before smiling

"And I do." I stated honestly

His eyes that are looking down softens as he speak "Sorry for yelling at you."

I just chuckled at him "You remind me of someone"

He looks at me "I do?" He asked visibly curious

"Do you know the anime 'Hunter X Hunter'?" I started

He looked still as a statue for a minute before asking "Yea. What about it?"

I look at the sky and said "You remind me of Ging, Gon's Father" I didn't see his reaction and I stood up while he's still sitting on the floor dumbfounded.

"Anyways, thanks for saving my life. But I gotta go. See ya around!" I say and started walking off

"Wait!" He shouted and I stopped on my tracks to see him catching up to me.

I scrunched my eyebrows "What is it?" I ask

"I need to tell you something" He stated

"What is it?" Me asking patiently

He started looking around for places and asked "Do you know a place where we can talk peacefully?"

I thought for a bit then an idea popped inside my head

"Ginger, now that I trust you, let me ask you a question" I stated while he stood there quietly waiting for the question

"Do you trust me?" I smirk

He smirks back "I do."


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