Chapter 10: Let the games begin

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Chapter 10: Let the games begin.

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

We arrived at the deserted town and the people in masks and the old lady appeared infront of us telling us about the quiz and I pretended to think with the three to decide who's first

"I'll go first."

I looked to see the eavesdropping man earlier infront of us "It looks like you aren't ready yet." he added

Let's see about that later

The question was then given to him with Leorio complaining about the questions as the crowd let the jerk pass

I'll just try to save us trouble for now.

"In that case, I'll be next."

Leorio gasped at me "Minji?! Don't you see she's tricking us? It's better to stay quiet than answer those questions.."

The question was thrown at me and the elder started counting when I didn't answer


Leorio grabbed a plank by now


He's walking towards the old lady


He was about to hit her when Kurapika..

"Leorio stop!"

He turned to him fuming


I intervened "Don't you see, we passed."

Kurapika nodded "It's like what you said. Silence is the answer"

Leorio blinked and started questioning about the man earlier which Kurapika answered that it's not the right way and so, Leorio apologized to the elder so she let us pass through the right way saying "Just keep walking. You'll get there in two hours."


We've been walking for four hours now, two for the tunnel, and another two for the forest that we're now in

"How long have we been walking? Two days?" Leorio complained

Skirrus just rested inside the hood of my hoodie at my back "Stop complaining and keep on walking" I said

The forest was dark and silent as the three men behind me conversed with each other which I didn't bother to listen to.

We saw the cabin where the couple is supposed to be and there was also a sign which we ignored. Well, except for Leorio.

He kept muttering to himself and catched up to the group before saying "Finally, we're here."

We neared the cabin and Kurapika muttered to himself which I heard "It's so quiet here. Are we the only ones who got in here?"

Yes Kurapika. We are.

I just decided to keep my mouth shut since I didn't want to explain about it.

Leorio knocked on the door and it was slightly opened so Leorio opened it and they all gasped at the sight except for me.

There stood a Kiriko monster with the 'Husband' and the 'Wife'

As soon as the Kiriko saw us, he leaped out leaving an injured man behind and taking the girl with him

Kurapika and Gon followed the Kiriko and I asked Leorio to stay behind and help the injured

Where should I go?

Not having time to think, I sprinted towards Gon's direction and they are nowhere to be seen. As I jumped branch to branch, a Kiriko appeared infront of me making me stop on my tracks

It smiled "I'm going to kill youu!!"

Deep voice, big frame, this must be the husband

But I shut my mouth not having enough evidence to prove they're a family

And so we fought.

The Kiriko lunged at me which I dodged and landed on the ground with the Kiriko landing behind me

I turn to him and kicked him on the chin upwards

He stumbled back holding his jaw before disappearing in the upwards

Well that was easy.

I need to find the wife soon so I sprinted in Gon's direction just to find out that he was talking with her

I jumped infront of them and I point at the Wife "Aha! You're the wife correct? I injured your husband on the jaw and you don't have any injuries whatsoever. Your voice is higher than him, so that makes you the wife!"

She just looked at me and laughed once more calling his husband on the interesting kids she found


We now stood infront of the family with Kurapika and Leorio wondering how Gon and I were able to tell them apart

One of them spoke "You all passed the test so, now we are going to take you to the exam's venue"

The son offered to carry me but I declined saying I can fly on my own since I can control the wind and the only thing I can do with it, is to control it and fly

My feet was not touching the ground anymore and I heard a familiar voice saying "Sugeee!!!" (Amazing) with Kurapika and Leorio looked at me with wide eyes

Skirrus that was inside my bag (since I was fighting earlier) Got out and jumped off me so that I can make him fly too

"Shall we?" Ski asked which I replied to a

"We shall"

~~Timeu skippeu~~

We arrived at the restaurant where we told the chef the password and let us inside the room

Gon talked to the Kiriko son about something I don't remember as the chef's hand hovered above a lever before saying "Good Luck" and pulled the lever down

The door closes and the room started moving

Let the games begin.


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