Chapter 37: Will you please shut up?

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Chapter 37: Will you please shut up?

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

I looked around and observed if I'm in the right place as I continued to walk through the streets of God knows where

I sighed.

Where am I?

I held my head as the aching came back "The medicine reduced the pain but it still hurts....."


I drank the medicine Pika gave me and sighed in relief "It seems to have a quick effect. I feel better now.."


I held my head and winced "kinda..."

Pika smiled and patted my head gently "You should find the two and reunite. I'm sure they're together."

"Eeeh?? I wanna go with you..."

It was his turn to sigh "You got fired remember?"

I turned my back at him as an irk mark appeared on my head "D-don't remind me.." my eye twitching

He also turned his back on me "I need to deal with something. I don't want you involved as much as possible.."

I looked down "Fighting the spiders huh?"

No answer...

I'll take that as a yes.

I chuckled "Say Hi to Neon for me would ya?"

He looked down and nodded

No verbal answer...

But still I took it as a yes..

I smiled "This is temporary goodbye then.."

He raised his head "I suppose it is."

He suddenly turned serious..

Soon, fading footsteps were heard when


He stopped walking and faced me

I slowly looked at him and gave a bright smile

"Don't die okay?"

His eyes widened at my honesty that touched his heart

He gave a beautiful, genuine smile


~~End of Flashback~~

Abruptly, Ski exited my bag and suddenly ran towards an unfamiliar direction "Huh....? AAAAHH!! Ski!! Hey wait!!" I chased after him

We turned on a corner and saw a crowd not too far from where we are

I continued running and almost tripped on a GODDAMN STONE

The shouts and cheers became louder and clearer as we neared them

"Come on you can do it!"

"I wanna go too!!"

"You're weak. I'm better than you!"

"I'm next!"

Our footsteps became slower and our movements ceased at the scene

What's going on?

Ski climed to my head and gasped at what he saw

"Ski? What is it?"

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