Chapter 43: Mou..

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Chapter 43: Mou..

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~


"Why not?"

Killua crossed his arms "It's too big of a risk. And besides. The bounty's gone."

"But, isn't capturing the spiders worth it?" Gon replied, confused.

I sighed "Remember what you came for?"

He sweatdropped a bit "Greed Island.."

Greed Island. A game that only nen users can use. It let's them teleport inside it physically and spiritually. Gon recieved a chip for that game from his Dad, Ging Freecs.

How did I know all of this?

Well I know the future.



(Insert bad guy music) *Cough *Cough No..? Don't mind me.

Gon realized something "Oh! You know that because you know our future!"

I rolled my eyes "Good job captain obvious"

Killua hit Gon and I's head "Don't go on changing topics you baaaaaka."

I hit his head back "Who you calling baka? You baaaaka!"

He retorted "Are you mocking me?!"

I yelled back "Challenging me huh? Bring it on baaaaka."

"Uhh. Guys, don't you think we're getting far from the point?" Gon tried to calm us

Two big irk marks appeared on our heads "YOU DON'T SAY!!"

Gon sweatdropped and scratched the back of his head "This is gonna be long.." he muttered to himself with two other youths bickering at the background

Yup. Long.. He thought.


We're here somewhere, face to face Kurapika, we were suggesting that we come with him to capture the spiders.

Kurapika recovered from the slight shock of receiving this request from us "Are you sure? There is a chance of capturing them but I'm not that sure. Your lives may be at stake here."

I placed an arm on Gon's shoulder "Well, you have better chance of catching them if you're with us right? Besides, many lives will be at stake if we don't do this."

Gon looked at me, shocked that I was agreeing with him when I was opposing him moments ago.

He looked at Kurapika "Please, let us help."

Pika sighed and turned to me "What do you think Minji?"


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