Chapter 25: Don't say I didn't warn ya.

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Chapter 25: Don't say I didn't warn ya.

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~



The people were startled by the scream which is followed by a slow but loud growl

Then, some people started panicking

"What was that?"

"Sounds like a growl!"

"Is it a monster?!"

"What do we do?"

The tour lady was trying her best to calm the people down "Please settle down it's just a-"

The small gate suddenly opened revealing a VERY BIG CLAW! It's holding the bones of the bastards that forced their way in earlier

The tour lady suddenly turned all white anime style "Nevermind. Ruunn!! Get back on the bus!!"

The guard scratched the back of his head, troubled "Mike wasn't supposed to be eating right now..."

The people started screaming and running in fear towards the bus except the gang. Oh. Leorio's running.

He ran while sweating off "Bad. This is bad. Hey guys let's get out of-"


Leorio fell face first on the ground. He looked up to see Gon's fishing rod hooked on his left foot

Gon looked at me surprised "When did you get that?"

I raised a peace sign at him "Sorry! He was getting away so..."

Lori had an irk mark on his head "Why did you have to do that? My face is ruined!"

I smirked at him "Maybe a payback for dropping me" and stuck out a tongue at him

"Hey! It's dangerous! Let's go back! Hop in the bus!"

We darted our eyes to the tour lady which I found out that her name was Kokuru

Kokuru guiding us to Kukuroo? Hahaha... ha... No? Okay ignore me. Continue.

Gon smiled "Don't worry about us! We'll be staying here!" And waved at her

She sweatdropped and exclaimed "You can't! It's dangerou-"


"AAAAAAHHH!!! C'MON DRIVE! DRIVE!" She said to the driver and the bus ran

Lori was suddenly terrified "The bus! Nooooo!!"

I sighed and neared the old man "Don't worry, you won't die. I'll protect you!"

Pika and Gon sweatdropped

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