Chapter 47: Achoo

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Chapter 47: Achoo

~~Amiko's P.O.V.~~

I opened my eyes and immediately closed them again and covered it with my arm due to the blinding sunlight

Ugh.. My back hurts..

I sat up and stretched my body a bit, seeing Minji cuddling with the little guy Ski

I smiled at the scene and decided to exercise for a bit. I did stretches, push ups, and stuff. When I decided it was long enough, I insisted on waking Minji up

I walked towards her and examined her peaceful sleeping face

"You actually look calm when you're sleeping, not that I complain when you're awake..."

I grabbed her shoulder and shook it gently "Hey."

No response


No response

This one's a heavy sleeper isn't she?

I saw small movement beside her and saw Ski stretching up. He looks at Minji and looks at me before shooing me away with his tiny hands

I raised an eyebrow but obliged and moved a little further from her. Ski climbed up to Minji's cheek and-

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~


I quickly sat up and looked around with a confused face on "What happened.. Wha.. Why....."

Suddenly a small sting on my cheek appeared. I rubbed it with a hand and saw Ski infront of me with a scolding pose, hands on his hips.

I looked at Amiko who has a hand above his mouth, containing his laughter

Oh I know exactly what happened.

I grew an irk mark and my face immediately distorts in annoyance


Before I could even stand up to give Small brains a piece of my mind, a foot stepped into my face, forcing me to go back laying in the ground "Oohhh??? What a beautiful weather today! Ohh? What's this? Oh sorry, I didn't see you there~"

My uncovered eye glared at the person "Riku you fxcking xsshole..."

Riku smiled "Goodmorning to you too.."

I raised my legs and wrapped them around his waist, pulling him down “Oi baka Riku, where’d you gone off last night?” He struggled against my hold

“I slept in the building.”

“You left us here all alone and cold??” I kicked his face

“I shawt wu would hollow…?” he mumbled against my foot. I think he said 'I thought you would follow'

“It’s too far for us to even see idiot. Why did you erase my memories?"

He flinched and we both let go of each other "Well I thought you'd be shocked-"

"It wasn't my first time killing."

Amiko raised and eyebrow "You said it was."

"Is that so? I think I was saying it was my first time killing in a gruesome way."

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