Chapter 17: Phase 3

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Chapter 17: Phase 3

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

I walked back and forth while Lippo talked to us

Well.... More like him

I wasn't listening as I was worrying about my partner

Please Skirrus I'm sorry I called you shxt please be safe...

Hisoka grabbed my shoulders to stop me pacing "Don't worry, I'm sure your friends found him" he assured as he placed a handcuff on my left hand, the other on his right

My face brightened up "You're right! I was worried over nothing. Lets go!"

My cousin sweatdropped at my sudden change of mood and followed through the door that was opened for us


We ran and killed and ran and killed throughout the phase

Yeah. I can kill. I already killed many back then. Some tried to kill me for fun (which they regretted)

We continued what we're doing until we met a guy that wanted to kill the man beside me

I saw him in the series and as far as I could remember, he was an examiner back then and Hisoka gave him a good beating

"I've been waiting for you Hisoka Morrow"

We both rolled our eyes and I told him "I wanna end this fast."

Hisoka grinned showing the sadistic side of his which I also loved "No. Not yet. Let me enjoy it first~"

I groaned "But I'm cuffed with you. I'm so tired"

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" exclaimed the man infront of us

He rolled his eyes at me "Just shut up and fight"

The man infront started dashing towards us as I muttered "What a headache..."


We are standing infront of the lifeless body Hisoka killed

"Finally..." I sighed in exhaustion and jumped on Hisoka's back

He walked to wards a door and inside was darkness..

There is no floor but the walls left and right are visible through the torches in the previous room

I grabbed a flashlight in my bag to guide us down while Hisoka is getting ready to jump

He grabbed my legs tighter and I did the same with his neck, making sure not to suffocate him

"Okay, here we go."

We jumped down long enough to see the floor beneath before jumping left and right to cushion our landing

Hisoka walked through a door that looked like the last one.


"1st one to arrive is #44 Hisoka. 2nd to arrive is #406 Minji." the speaker announced

I got off him as I asked Lippo "Can we take this off now?" referring to the cuffs which he agreed so we broke the material with ease.

I massaged my wrist "Damn, what a headache"

Hisoka chuckled "It sure was."

He walked over the wall opposite from the doors and sat on the floor which I followed him and did the same

He closed his eyes and rested

I sighed "Hisoka.."

He peeked in one eye to look at me

"Can you let your hair down?"





I frowned "Why not? I like it better down..."

He sighed "You never saw it down."

I smiled mischievously at him "Ohh.. Yes I did~"

This picked his interest and both eyes were open now "Oh~ And how is that?"

I smirked "I have my ways"

Minji. She has many secrets. It makes me feel suspicious... He thought.

I clasped my hands together and made puppy eyes at him "Please...."

Hiso was shocked since it's his first time seeing those kind of eyes "What happened to your eyes?" he asks obliviously

I just blinked at him and an irk mark appeared on my forehead as I closed my eyes to calm myself down "It's called puppy eyes dumbass..."

That didn't go well..

I ran out of ideas so I just sat beside him and pouted childishly

I really want to see his hair down..

~~Hisoka's P.O.V.~~

My companion suddenly got silent so I turned to see her pouting with a long, dissapointed face

She wanted to see my hair down that bad?

I sighed

Ugh. I can't believe I'm doing this..

I released Bungee Gum in my hair making it fall down without Minji noticing

I then laid my head on her lap and she gasped at the sight

"Shut up and let me sleep" I cut her off before she said anything

Ugh Minji. Look what you made me do...


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