Chapter 52: Wait for me

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Chapter 52: Wait for me

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

"We should probably hide amongst the crowd."

The other two nodded and continued to head to the crowd of people that was assigned to be the sacrifice for the King.

Pouf had hypnotized them, leaving them in a blank state. But that works for us too since the fighting won't cause any panics or unnecessary commotion

Killua was carrying Komugi and he conversed with Palm about something like... Pouf will be defeated if they kill his main body and stuff, Palm can also see the last three people she had seen with her right eye. It's like 3 split monitor on a single tv if she covers her right and sees with her left eye.

She is probably monitoring Pouf, Killua, and Gon's movements and whereabouts

I saw one of Pouf's small clones in the bushes ahead so I picked it up and threw it to Killua's foot and he burned it when stepping on it

I went beside him and continued walking and placed my hands on my pockets

Where is Amiko by the way?

Killua perked his head up "Oh yeah, Palm, can you see what Gon is up to?"

I subconsciously halted on my tracks, as realization struck my mind


Killua stopped when he noticed that I wasn't following them anymore "Minji what's wrong?"

Then Palm gasped as she saw the scene at Gon's location as Killua stared at her nervously "Why? What's going on?"

Palm took a step back with her widened eyes "Why..... Pitou is acting hostile and Gon..." She was also confused

Killua took a look at my grave expression and knew right away that I had the knowledge of the current situation "Minji! Can you tell us now?"

That alone snapped me out of my trance, making me stare back at him and I slowly looked at my hands

Is it okay?

Should I tell them?

What if it'll cause more conflicts?




I whipped my head up in surprise as I once again, stared at his expecting expression

I took a shaky breath and gulped, hesitation laced in my voice "Gon. He's transforming right now. His power is now equal to that of the King. He..."

I covered my mouth as I remembered the details "He's using all of his life energy in order to defeat Pitou. He doesn't even care if it'll be the end of him." I clenched my shaking hands

Killua took a step back in shock "No way.... Why? The hostage is still with us! Pitou shouldn't be hostile!" He exclaimed

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