Chapter 16: Wake up!

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Chapter 16: Wake up!

~~ Minji's P.O.V.~~

Chairman Netero explained about doing whatever we want since we will arrive in the morning and it's noon now.

"I'm going to explore the ship. Wanna come?" Gon

"Sure." me

"Why not?" Killua

"How about you Pika! Lori?" I pretended to ask them

Lori ignored the nickname "We shall rest for now. You go on ahead." Kurapika answered for the both of them

We nodded and ran off to explore the blimp.

We found a room that says 'kitchen' outside and snuck in

We found three cooked meat and grabbed one for each of us but...


Uh Oh.


We are now on a table by the window after we got kicked out by the chef and we're talking about the sight of the city in night

"It's beautiful..." I say in awe

"Yeah it is.." Gon followed

"Ne Killua" Gon asked catching the assassin's attention

"Do you have any parents?"

We were silent for a while when Killua spoke "Yeah. Sure. They're assassins"

"Both of them?" Gon

Killua blinked at Gon before laughing "You really are weird after all"

"But it's true right?!"

They chatted for a bit and I started to pace out when suddenly...

"I wish I had loving parents.."

Both their heads snapped to my direction "Huh?"

My eyes widened "Sorry I spoke suddenly.. It's just I'm adopted and my 'parents' treat me as a punching bag..."

I continued to tell them my story including looking for my real parents and silence embraced us

Gon suddenly hugged me "Minji I'm sorry you have to go through all of that..."

I blushed at the closeness "Don't worry Gon, it's not your fault."

Killua patted my head and smiled "Don't. worry, you have friends now"

I smiled brightly at them and pulled Killua into the hug

"Thanks guys!!" I squished both of them

Gon smiled and Killua blushed at the contact "Uh.. Sure"

I let go of them and I felt a presence, and it suddenly appeared in another place


I turned around "You're pretty fast Netero-san"

He answered "What me? Oh I barely did anything"

I stood up and faced my back onto the man "I won't be playing your game since I'm pretty tired. I'll just rest for now. Bye Gon, Killua!" I said walking away

How did she know? Netero thought.

I walked back to the room where Kurapika and Leorio is in

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