Chapter 18: Phase 3 (PART 2)

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Chapter 18: Phase 3 (PART 2)

~~ Minji's P.O.V.~~

There laid on my lap, a man named Hisoka as we finished the 3rd phase

I stared at his hair that's down and his perfect face

He's so handsome! I'm so lucky to have a cousin like him!

I caressed his cheek for a bit and making sure not to erase the star facepaint when I noticed a cut on it

I turned his body gently so that he was laying on his back and his face displayed for me to see

I grabbed the first-aid kit on my bag while making sure not to make any major movements to disturb him

"I'm going to treat your cuts okay?" I told him and he just nodded

I started to disinfect the cut on his face after cleaning it with a clean wipe

I placed a band-aid over it and moved onto his bleeding shoulder

I sighed "You really don't care even if you're bleeding...."

I took a clean cloth out and put pressure on his shoulder to stop the bleeding

I wrapped bandage around it just enough to prevent the blood from gushing out

I put everything away and I played with his hair between my fingers

Does he always let himself bleed? That's not good for his health..

I sighed and caressed his right cheek gently "You should take care of yourself more..."

I saw his lips twitch upwards and I smiled back

I decided to sleep since there are more than two days for us to stay here.

Well. I better rest...

~~Timeskip coz I'm too lazy~~

I spent the two days sleeping and playing cards with Hiso and we are building a house of cards right now

5 mins. left for Gon and the others to arrive

I just hope Ski is with the-

"Next one to pass is #403 Kurapika, #99 Killua, #405 Gon" The speaker suddenly spoke

I snapped my head towards the door where my friends are coming out

Woah. They're earlier than expected..

I wave at them "Hi guys!"

Gon's face brightened "Minji! Oh I almost forgot! Skirrus helped us all the way! He's so strong!"

Oh. So that's why they're early


Wait what?

As if on cue, Ski ran up towards me and jumped into my arms


"Ski!" I cried

"I missed you so much Ski. I'm so sorry I called you shxt (even though it's true) and thank god you're safe!" I cried hugging him

The rest stared at the cute reunion and me being an emotional wreck.

"Next to arrive is #404 Leorio and #16 Tonpa."

I wiped my eyes and looked over Tonpa. Our eyes met and I smirked "Surprised to see you still standing."

He started shaking in his place as he answered me "I-I have an a-antidote"

You won't be standing later on...

I ignored him and we all waited for the phase to end while playing cards with Hisoka and the group

They weren't comfortable one bit even when I told Hiso-chan not to do anything stupid.

I then stopped the game as the large gate opened revealing Lippo, some other people, and a ship.

Lippo started to introduce himself and told us about Zevil Island

He also told us to draw a card out of the box he prepared and explained about the fourth phase.

"Now please open the seal of your selected card."

I opened mine ang saw the given number.

I smirked Looks like I just need to stick with Hisoka...

I noticed that people started to hide their tags while I kept mine on since I wanted to know who my hunter was and didn't bother to ask Gon and the group since I know who their target is.

We examinees started to board the ship that we will be riding until we arrive where the fourth phase will take place.

As soon as everyone was inside, the said ship started moving towards our destination

I walked over Hisoka and sat infront of him.

"Will you please turn off your bloodlust? People will think you're a very creepy clown.... Wait... They already do!"

He grinned which made his bloodlust feel a lot more creepy

I sweatdropped at him "Did you even hear me....?"

Then a girl made way towards the center, unbothered by Hisoka's leaking bloodlust "Welcome aboard everyone! We will now be going where the 4th phase will start! I hope you enjoy the ride!"

Everyone was silent and purple vertical lines appeared on her forehead

Why is everyone so gloomy? She thought.

I waved at her "Thanks!"

The lines quickly disappeared when she turned to me "You're welcome!" as she gave me a closed-eye smile

I leaned beside Hiso who was shuffling his cards and placed my hands at the back of my head just like what Killua always do "Can I stick with you?"

He didn't look back but asked back "Wouldn't you be looking for your target?"

I shrugged "Eh.. I'll probably find it with you"

He raised an eyebrow at me and I added "Just wait and see.."


We finally arrived and Hisoka was the first to go "See you around Minji~"

I waved at him "Bye! Bye!"

Others sweatdropped at my actions

How did a girl like her end up with a guy like him? They thought.

I turned around with a bit of bloodlust..

Looks like I'm gonna have fun today... and licked my lips just like Hisoka does

Nevermind! They're so alike! They thought.

2 mins. passed and it's my turn to enter the forest. It wasn't too far before I turned around and waved to everyone, bidding them goodbye.

Now, time to look for Hisoka...


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