Chapter 35: You're hot.

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Chapter 35: You're hot.

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

This is it.

The day where the Phantom Troupe will attack the auction.

And I'm with Neon in a car. We escaped the ladies by buying disguises because her Dad won't let her join she auction.

She asked for it.

And of course we're with the one and only...

Chrollo Luficer.

The leader of the phantom troupe.

The head of the spider.

I knew he was here to steal Neon's Nen but still, I pretended he was a stranger.

Who knows what'll happen of I change the flow of the anime?

Crazy right?

I knew he was one of the most dangerous man here and yet...

I decided to play with him...

"Thank you so much kind Sir!" Neon beamed

Chrollo gave her a closed-eye smile "No problem!"

He's so hot!

Especially with his head bandaged like that-

No Minji. This is a criminal. Remember that.


But he's sooooo ho-


I suddenly felt a stinging sensation on my right cheek

Chrollo looked towards the backseat where I sat "Uhh Miss? Are you okay there?" And looked over the road to avoid accidents

Oh my lord.. He's so handso-


Neon gasped "Minji!! Your cheek has two small red hands on it!"

The moment she said that, I felt relief instead of the pain the slap gave

I sighed in relief

Thanks Ski. I really needed that...

After a few minutes, we arrived at the place and went to eat at a restaurant inside (Dunno what it's called..)

We were chatting and laughing with each other, with Chrollo and I observe and pretend.

"Thank you so much Sir. You have done too much for me..." Neon bows slightly

"Us." I corrected

Chrollo waved his hands around "Please just call me Chrollo. And I am merely helping you guys.."

He continued "I was looking for someone to go with but, I guess I was too lucky to find two nice and pretty girls" and gave a closed-eye smile

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