Chapter 50: Attack

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Chapter 50: Attack

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~


I need air.

I can't breathe...

I think I'm going to die..

"Oi Gon!! She can't breathe!!"

Gon pulled back and looked at my figure which is probably going to pass out if he didn't stop

He completely pulled out from the one-sided hug and scratched the back of his head with a silly smile "Gomen (Sorry) Minji! I just missed you so much!! Oh! And Killua and I have developed our new super abilities!! And! And!"

I tuned him out and just sat on the floor with a blank stare "I thought I was going to die..." while catching my breath

I regained my senses and felt 2 unfamiliar eyes staring at me and I immediately recognized them "Oh. Knuckle. And eto... Ah! Shoot!"

"Huh? How did you know us?" Shoot asked

"Eh? Ah! I heard from you!" I lied

Gon and Killua gave me a knowing look and I just giggled. They know I lied.

I raised a finger "Knuckle you're an earnest person

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I raised a finger "Knuckle you're an earnest person. And your greatest weakness is kindness. I know about APR that can eat or give aura when you deal a blow to your target."

He got wide-eyed "What... How did you-"

"And also, you love animals. You're such a big softie~" I added

"S-SHUT UPPP!!" He retorted with pink dusting his cheek from embarrassment

Ikalgo was sitting on a box beside Killua and I leaned my back on Gon's shoulder that was sitting sideways "You may seem scary and hostile at look, but you are a good person inside. Afterall, if you're likable by animals, then you're a good hunter."

His previous embarrassment was now replaced by another shock.

This kid... He thought.

Gon and Killua just sweatdropped and thought of the same thing

Minji, there you go running your mouth again... They thought.

I noticed Ski crawling up to Killua's fluffy head and laid on it and heaved a very relaxed sigh "This is the best bed ever...."

Ikalgo observed Ski with a confused look and Killua just petted Ski with two fingers before paying attention back to what I was saying

Next I pointed to the person standing beside Knuckle "And you, Shoot."

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