Chapter 6: Who are you?

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Chapter 6: Who are you?

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

"I do."

He pulled my arm "Then let's go"

We walked infront of the portal when he asked "Are you ready?"

I didn't look at him but chuckled "I thought the previous one was the last but, yes. I'm ready."

He nodded "Well, here goes nothing.." and we walked inside the portal.

At first I couldn't see anything and when I opened my eyes everything was white when I felt Ging's hand slipping away

I turn to him and mirrored his panicked expression

"Uh Oh... Minjii!!" our hands parted as he reached out to me


"Ging!!!!" I also reach out to him when suddenly everything became black


I heard chirping, sniffing and I was nudged by something...


I opened my eyes to see different kinds of animals surrounding me, some I'm not quite familiar with

I shot up looking at them with shock

I mean, who wouldn't be shocked waking up with a bunch of animals surrounding you?

They backed away from me visibly scared

"Please don't hurt us.."

I snapped my head to the wolf who spoke

I smiled sheepishly "I won't don't worry..."

Hearing that, they calmed down

"You can understand us?"

I looked to a bird that looked....


"I do. Sorry for scaring you..."

"Are you okay?" the wolf spoke again

I placed a hand behind my head "Yep. I think I am"

The wind flew by making my short white hair wave





I panicked seeing my white hair and small form


I ask the animals "Do you know where's the nearest lake or river here?"

They looked at me for a moment before telling me in unison

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