Chapter 29: Sweet.

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Chapter 29: Sweet.

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~



So sweet...




I slowly opened my eyes and blinked to adjust at my bright surroundings

I tasted something sweet in..


I slowly looked ahead me to see a fluffy silvernette looking at me "Ah. You're awake."

What... Wha...?

I looked down to see myself biting a piece of chocolate that's still in Killua's fingers

I continued to eat the piece, taking it from Killua's hand with him protesting that it's his

"NOOO!! My precious chocorobo!! Why did- eeeEEEEHHHH??"

I started licking and sucking his fingers with chocolate bits on it

He was taken aback with the action and quickly retracted his hand from mine as soon as I finished "W-What do you t-think you're doing huh? That's g-gross!"

I blinked at him confused "But it's delicious..."

He became red and went to the bathroom to watch his hand "Geez.." he muttered

I tilted my head to the side, confused

What did I do wrong?

~~Leorio's P.O.V.~~

We were all surrounding a note found by Gon, written by a certain idiot.

It says..

'Yo. I'm out. I won't die.
Train. I'm going somewhere.
Don't worry bout' me and enjoy yourselves.
Anyways I'll be back soon!


Kurapika sighed "There is only one person who'll do this.."

We all took a deep breath and shouted altogether


~~Killua's P.O.V.~~

I finished washing my hands and dried them

Mou. That idiot....

I chuckled "My Idiotic Friend..."


"Never betray your friends"

I halted my movements and thought for a moment

Don't worry Father. I won't.

I continued walking out to prepare something to scold at Minji

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