Chapter 40: Come back

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Chapter 40: Come back

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

I looked at the person towering over me, wide-eyed as he/she held a blade to my neck, ready to slice it off any second now


Who is that...?

He/she shifted the katana closer to my neck and I got ready to defend

The person got ready to swing his/her katana and I stood my ground, ready to dodge


I tried to move..

I-I can't move...

I shifted my eyes to the sword

Crxp, Crxp, Crxp, what do I do?

The sword got closer and closer

Shxt! Am I gonna die here?

Here it comes!


Just as the sword was about to slice my head off, I was...


I was pulled behind which caused the person to miss

The person looked at the sword

"Ah. I missed." It deadpanned

The eyes shifted to me

"Let me try again."

My mouth went agape as I watched the scene unfold infront of me

W-What just happened?

I felt a presence behind me, a familiar one, catching it's breath

"Ji-Ji. This is bad."

Ski! Ski pulled me!

I looked at the person charging towards me as I made a stance

"I know."

As he/she was inside my range of attack, I abruptly dropped my Zetsu, making me catch him/her off guard

Great! Here's my chance!

I quickly appeared my nen ribbon on my right arm and charged at the anonymous

"Take this you idiot!"

I wrapped the ribbon around the body to immobilize him/her

It worked!

~~???'s P.O.V.~~

I glanced at the ribbons wrapped around my body


Not interesting..

I suddenly felt itch in my nose

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