Chapter 9: New friends isn't that bad

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Chapter 9: New friends isn't that bad

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

I am sitting in a room full of people that are piled together due to the storm that made the ship tilt back and forth

The only ones that are in a good condition are Gon, Kurapika, Leorio, Me and Skirrus, and of course the Captain

Gon is helping a man while Kurapika is sleeping on a hammock. Leorio is checking himself at a mirror and the captain is probably headed towards here

Me and Skirrus just leaned on a wall my hands behind my head relaxing

The captain will arrive in




The door opened revealing the captain muttering "How do they expect to be a hunter when they can't even handle a simple storm?"

He then eyed the four of us and after thinking for himself for a while, he called the last men/woman standing.


We now stood infront of the captain when "State your names." he said

"I'm Gon!"

"They call me Leorio"

"My name's Kurapika"


The captain continued "Why do you want to become a hunter? Tell me." he demanded

Kurapika closed his eyes with his arms crossed "I'd rather not say"

Leorio then followed "Yeah! You're not even an examiner!"

Gon answered first "I wanna look for my Dad!"

Leorio looked at Gon "Oi Gon!"

The captain turned to me

"I'm gonna look for my family, a certain someone and kick their xss for leaving the ones they love" I stated calmly which they all sweatdropped to

The captain turned to the remaining men "If that's the case then the two of you should get off my ship as soon as possible." the captain stated referring to Kurapika and Leorio

Leorio and Kurapika looked at the captain shocked "Why?!" Leorio cried

Kurapika put a hand on his chin with a thoughtful look on his face "I see. The exam started the moment we set foot on the ship. How did I not think of that?"

They had no choice so both told the captain their reason and argued because of Kurapika being informal and Leorio bad-mouthing his clan which resulted in a physical fight outside with Gon restraining the Captain

I just tuned them out since I know what happens next and followed Gon outside to observe the two men who are going to attack each other any second now

That's when the guy who always get bullied with his crew flew off the ship to which Kurapika and Leorio tried to catch him and failed

Gon flew after him with me following him grasping his ankle, so the two men caught my ankles instead as Gon caught the man whose name was I think 'Catsu'

As our feet touched the floor after the incident, praises were heard, something like 'Good job kids' or a 'Way to go!'

But what we recieved from the blonde and black haired man was different

"What are you two doing being so careless?!" Leorio shouted making me cover my ears

"Yeah, what if we didn't catch you?" Kurapika agreed

Gon just smiled "But you did didn't you?"

Aw Gon. You and your cute self. How can you even leave him Ging? Ugh. You're unbelievable.

Kurapika and Leorio made up after that my heart practically melting at the sight. Then a boom of laughter echoed in our ears

"Hahaha! You please me!" the captain exclaimed

Then he told us of us passing the test and him being in a good mood so he'll drop us at the nearest site for the Hunter's Exam

After that, I headed inside to meet Skirrus and waited for the ship to arrive at our destination.

~~Timeskip brought to you by Kurapika's beauty~~

We got off the ship and I'm really glad that I got to meet the three of them.

New friends isn't that bad

Before we got far away from the captain, he called me and Gon telling us about the shortcut

I almost forgot about that.

Which reminds me of the man who was eavesdropping on our conversation. I just ignored it since I know karma would get him

We walk over Kurapika and Leorio and told them the info

Leorio disagreed so he parted from us and we started our journey and later I said

"Count 5 to 1"

Gon being Gon counted and Kurapika being Kurapika hesitated before following






"Oi! Matte!!" Leorio shouted from afar

Gon and Kurapika turned to me surprised

"Woah Minji! How did you know?" Gon asked with wide eyes

Kurapika followed "Yeah, how?"

I just smiled "It's a guess"

Leorio then catched up with us

"I know you'll miss me so I came back to give you company! Be grateful!" He stated

We just smiled and chuckled at him

"Whatever you say Lori."

"It's Leorio!"


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