Chapter 24: Bingo.

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Chapter 24: Bingo.

~~No one's P.O.V. ~~

Minji was dozing off at the train with Kurapika on her right and Gon on her left. Lori is sitting beside Kurapika when-

"Oh no! Where do I sit? Well... No choice then..." said a random girl that's around Minji's age who just entered the train

Leorio noticed this and being the gentleman he is, he let the girl sit on his previous space

"Really? Oh! Thank you Sir!" She replied and sat down

Kurapika was quietly observing the lady and she was doing the same to Minji without noticing Kurapika

Hmmm... Not much. Boring.
She thought.

She then exited the train before it even started moving without saying a word. Leorio however, didn't notice she did until Gon told him

Lori scratched his head "Where did she go?"

"She exited the train just now" Gon pointed at the train entrance when the train started moving "Ah. We're moving" he added

Old man stared at the door for a bit before looking away and sitting down on his previous seat "Weird." He shrugged

All the while, Kurapika was thinking deeply, staring into space with scrunched eyebrows

That girl... She's suspisciou- His thought was cut off

He felt a weight on his shoulder and looked just to see a....




He was about to panic but studied her sleeping figure

Her face. She looks so peaceful... So cute.
Nooo whAAAAAAAt?? Nope. Not cute definitely not- His thought was once again cut off when the train started speeding up making Minji fall to his lap

To his surprise, he grabbed the shoulders of both his companion

"Guys, she's sleeping..." both of his friends' eyes widened at the scene

Gon chuckled "I guess we can't help it, let her sleep for a bit." He stated

The other two only nodded and continued to wait for them to arrive at their destination.


The fou- three hunters are walking in a place nearest to the Kukuroo Mountain which is Killua's hom- house

Leorio is carrying the sleeping chaos ever since they got off the vehicle "aahh... my back is hurting from this brat! Can't we just switch? It's been hours!" He whined

"Quit whining and continue carrying me."

"I am carryi-"


Kurapika looks at her

Then Gon looks at her

Next, Leorio looks at her

And Coumaflaged Ski looks at her

She's awake! They all thought.

What a relief! The thought while wiping an imaginary sweat off their head and heaved a mushroom sigh

Uhh.. what was that for? Minji thought.

Leorio then abruptly dropped the woken girl


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