Chapter 14: Phase 2

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Chapter 14: Phase 2

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

I walked over Hisoka and Illumi in his 'Gittarakur' form

"Hi Hiso-chan! Hello Illumi"

I dodged the needle that was aiming for my head and hit someone else. Poor guy...

"How do you know my name?" he asks calmly

I shrugged and leaned on Hisoka's side with him raising an eyebrow at my gesture "I just know. Don't worry, I won't tell Killua."

He didn't answer and continued to examine me as I remembered something

I stood straight and turned to my cousin putting my hands on my waist while doing so "I thought I told you to stay away from us? Why did you hurt them?" I scold him referring to my friends

He chuckled "I was testing my new fruits what do you think? And I'm suprised you know Illumi right here"

I rolled my eyes "Yea Yea. Anyways I'll go. Bye Hisoka and Illumi-san"

I catched the needle between my fingers

"I don't want you mentioning my name. Killua might hear"

I threw the projectile back at him which scratched his cheek as I walk away waving

~~Illumi's P.O.V.~~

This kid. I haven't been scratched for a while.


He put his attention away from the brat and put it on me

"Who is she? You seem close."

He grinned creepily which didn't have any effect on me

"She's an interesting fruit."

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

I walked over the group just as the gate opened revealing Menchi and Buhara, the gourmet hunters

"Hi everyone! I'm Menchi, this is Buhara, and we are the ones in-charge of the second phase" She started

"Let the second phase begin!"

~~Timeskip brought to you by Hisoka's hotness~~

We are now running off to a forest to find the pigs that are needed for the test

We are running in line with Gon infront, Killua, me, Kurapika, and Leorio at the back

Gon slid down the cliff with Killua following after

Gon suddenly stopped so Killua bumped on his back and I bumped on Silverhead's back and so on..

My chest is pressed onto Killua's back and was about to ask what's the soft thing on his back but he realizes what it was and blushed

I groaned "Kurapika you're so heavy! I'm squished down here.."

Kurapika's chin is above my head "Don't blame me, Leorio is the heavy one!"

"Oi I'm not heavy! You're just not strong enough for my weight!"

Then we heard growling

We all looked at the pigs that are chewing bones as they looked at us

Oops. We shouldn't have yelled..

Leorio shook "Are they chewing... bones?"

"Are they carnivores?" Kurapika

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