Chapter 2: Pretty feisty

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Chapter 2: Pretty feisty

~~Minji P.O.V.~~

"Hey there little girl~" The muscular man said


I sighed "What a nice day."

"What is a sweetie like you doing out here?" The skinny one asked

Sweetie? That's so cringy.

"You're injured" He added

"That's none of your fxcking business" I responded with a harsh tone despite my condition

"You're pretty feisty for a girl your age huh?" Asshole No.1 (Muscular man) said

Yeah. I'll start calling him that.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Just something to play with. You know?" Asshole No.2 (Skinny man) said then they both started laughing maniacally.

I didn't notice the knives they were holding until now

What's with people with knives?

Asshole No.2 walked towards me slowly while I stood up stumbling as I do so.

"Don't kill her yet." That's Asshole No.1

"Don't worry, wasn't planning to do so.... Just a little torture."

"Don't you think it's the other way around?" I stated determined, before taking a stance but I winced and hovered my hand above my wound

It won't stop bleeding.

He ignored my statement and ran up to me before trying to slice my face but I dodged under easily and hit him in the gut.

Catching him off guard, I immediately went over his arm and elbowed his face, knocking him out

That was too easy...

I stumbled again and I whimpered when I felt a harsh pain from my wound

"So.... you're n-next?" I questioned Asshole No.1 with a hoarse voice

He smirked, not even fazed by his knocked out fellow "You sure you should be moving around like that? Look at you, looking like a dancing twig."

I smirked throughout the pain coursing through my veins and spoke "Tch. Running your mouth can'tbe called an exercise. Come and get me."

The next thing I know is that I'm on defense my arms full of cuts and bruises and one on my cheek too.

My wound isn't helping and I'm losing more blood in each passing second

Asshole No.1 chuckled "Pretty impressive but I guess I'm having too much fun." then grinned sadistically at me

"Time to end your petty, miserable life."

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