Chapter 11: A Morrow?

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Chapter 11: A Morrow?

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

We arrived at the venue to see a lot of people now turning their attention on us

I sweatdropped

This is a lot worse than I expected

Some were checking us out, some galring at us, some just glanced and went back to their business

Geez. What did we even do?

The green bean man which name is 'Beans' I think gave us our tags

I look at my tag to see 406 on it

Fair enough.

I put it on and turned to see a certain clown staring at me up and down

I met his eyes and he just licked his lips and walked off somewhere

Why am I not surprised?

I walk somewhere away from the group knowing what'll happen next

I'll play Karma for now

I leaned on the wall while putting my hood on and as if on cue, a certain someone walked over Gon and the group introducing himself then offering the juice.

I leaned my head on the wall with Ski resting on my head like it's the comfiest bed ever

After a few moments the man came to me and did the same with Gon earlier

"Hi I'm Tonpa! I'm taking the exam for the 53th time today so if you have any questions concerning this, don't hesitate to ask me!"

I 'innocently' smiled "Thanks Tonpa! I'm Minji by the way!"

He then handed out the juice to me

Here it is.

He also smiled 'innocently' "Why don't we have a toast to celebrate our friendship?"

I claimed the can and that's when my facade dropped

I smirked at him evily

"Don't fxck with me Rookie Crusher."

I then opened the can and put it inside his mouth making him gulp it all and fall to the floor after

I crossed my arms "Tch. That laxative was so obvious ya know?" I walked over Gon to see him talking with the two

I put an arm on his shoulder "Yo. What ya talking about?"

"We were talking about the people we should avoid that Tonpa mentioned" Leorio answered

Kurapika followed "What caught my attention is that man"

I tilt my head "Who?"

"Hisoka Morrow"

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