Chapter 39: Eliminate

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Chapter 39: Eliminate

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

After all that happened at the shop, the trading and stuff at the market, meeting Zepile, a very good appraiser which became our friend, we ended up in here.

We sat on a booth, inside a two-storey cafe, observing two members of the spiders from afar.

It's them...

Lemme start with their short profiles...

Nobunaga. A black-haired adult that slightly looks like an old man and wears a grey robe. As far as I know, he is very strong and, it'll be practically a dire situation of he unsheathes his katana.

Machi. A short girl with pink hair. As far as I know, her power is thread manipulation. These thread are made of her nen and it is incredibly durable. It is able to cut off your limbs and sew them up together with her sewing skills, the veins and other damaged tissues are replaced by her threads.

It can also kill with a single pull.

Yep. Pretty sick.

Leorio contacted the couple we acquainted with, in hopes of capturing the members

Killua on the other hand, held the beetle phone and wired the money onto the couple's account in thanks of helping us

Lori ended the call and glanced at the said criminals "So, how do we catch them?"

Killua crossed his arms cooly "It's impossible. We're not strong enough to do so."

Lori abruptly stood up and banged his palms on the table "We'll never know unless we try!!"

I panicked and flapped my arms around "SSHHH!!! They'll notice ussss!"

Killua sighed and looked out the window "Just imagine there's two hisokas in there"

Sweats started to form in Leorio and Gon's foreheads as two Hisokas sitting on a table popped in their heads

Lori blinked "I changed my mind..." and Gon only nodded in agreement

I crossed my arms and sighed, imitating Killua's action "We can't just do something rash as they're pretty cautious right now. They even noticed the couple we connected with. It's risky."

Killua looked at me "I see you're observant at times. I'm surprised you noticed."

I looked to the side with a guilty smile

No I didn't. I just know..

I zoned out as I engulfed myself in my own thoughts

When should I tell them? I'm from a different world and stuff... Should I tell them? What am I saying? Of course I should! But... What if they reject me? Or worse, DESPISE ME?!


I don't know what I'll do then. I'll lose ny friends, lose my path, lose hope. I'll be very sad and depressed. And then I'll resent everybody and..

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