Chapter 21: Phase 5

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Chapter 21: Phase 5

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

I woke up to hear some yelling


I opened my eyes and I felt that someone was carrying me and I saw a blonde hair blocking my vision.

I jumped off Kurapika and rubbed my eyes in attempt to wipe my sleepiness away but..

Something isn't right....

I slowly adjusted my eyes to my surroundings and-


He was crouching with his arms behind that was being held by Hanzo, the bald-ninja dude

Hanzo then calmly stated "If you don't surrender, I'll break your arm."



Everyone turned their attention towards me as they felt a murderous aura

Her hair.. It changed its color.. Everyone thought.

My hair unknowinngly turned grayish and my bangs were covering my eyes as I glared at nothing

Some almost fell to their knees as the feeling they felt was overwhelming

Some was unnafected and a known clown licked his lips once again

She's getting pretty ripe I see~ Oh~ I still need to wait.. No.. I must calm down.. Hisoka thought.

"I said, LET. GO."

Hanzo ignored me but trembled a bit as my friends tried to calm me down but I didn't hear either of their voices

"I'm fine."

My head shot up to look at Gon smiling through the pain

"You don't have to worry about me... I can do this!" He reassured everyone including himself

I clenched my fist and calmed myself down, and my hair slowly started to turn to it's original color

I smiled weakly "You can do it Gon."

I just looked down with tears slowly flowing down..

He had a face with a smile but was soon replaced the pain he was feeling

"No more interruptions! I will repeat for the last time, surrender."



All I can do now is watch Gon writhe in pain as four of us, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, and me are trembling with hatred, sadness, and fear.

Mixed emotions welled up inside each of us. But I have to endure it. He'll make it. I know he will. Not because I know what's gonna happen next, but because I believe in him.

It still hurts that the only thing that we can do right now is watch...

I can't do anything...

Then there's the part when Gon was face to face with a sword on his forehead

I can't do anything...

"Why won't you just give up?!" a troubled Hanzo exclaimed

I can't do anything...

"It's because.. I just feel like I can't see my dad if I lose this fight"


"So I won't give up." Gon stated determined

I was still smiling with tears now as my hair turned slightly blue but immediately turned back white

Some words was exchanged between the two before Gon was sent flying towards the entrance

I chuckled under my breath

What a simple minded boy..

I was about to go after him but my name was called

"Minji and Amiko for the second fight!"

We positioned ourselves to get ready but..

I'm still worried for Gon..

I didn't show my worried face and smirked instead

"We meet again Miko.."

MIKO?! A certain THREE thought.

He was quite nervous but decided on what's he gonna do next

Should I...? He thought.

"Aaaaand, START!"

I started sprinting towards him as I let my ribbon appear that's wrapped around my right arm but...

"I forfeit!"

I immediately fell down face first, anime style

I raised a fist at him "What do you mean you forfeit?!" I exclamed. My ribbon no longer visible

He just placed his hands in his pockets and shrugged "That's just how it is. I'm just going to fight at the next round"

I had irk marks everywhere with smoke coming out of my ears "Why you- Ugh!!"

She's really angry! Everyone in the room thought.

"Uhh.. Well, Mr. Amiko forfeited and so, Ms. Minji calims victory!!" The referee stated while sweatdropping

I turned to the referee "No! I didn't do anything this ain't victory without a fight!!"

I was being dragged by the staffs by now " I swear if I get my hands on you I will beat your sorry ass! Maybe I should find out where you live so I can ambush you hmmm... Should I kill him right away? No... I still wanna have some fun hehe.." I muttered and trailed off

She's mad... Everyone thought.

I was dragged to a room with Satotz and a sleeping Gon

I quickly rushed over him and examined his injury

I smiled "His bone was broken cleanly. It'll become stronger the time it heals.."

Satotz seemed taken aback "Glad you could tell Ms. Minji."

I mentally facepalmed.

Did I talk too much again?

Satotz stood up from the chair he was sitting on "Anyways, I humbly congratulate you for passing the exam"

I fell down on the chair beside me "Uhh.. Thanks I guess.."

He bowed "I will be going now, for I shall give you privacy with your friend. Please enjoy your time here" And went out

I stared at the door and chuckled ""Please enjoy your time here." What is he? A hotel staff? Plus, he's very formal..." I say imitating Satotz

I looked at Gon who was sleeping peacefully..


"You baka..."


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