Chapter 22: Phase 5 (PART 2)

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Chapter 22: Phase 5 (PART 2)

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

I left Gon in his room to rest and for me to watch the final phase.

There stood Kurapika in a defensive stance and Hisoka standing calmly with an unreadable smile stuck on his face

He glanced at me and I glared at him childishly which widened his grin

Still a clown I see...

The fight ended when Hisoka surrendered after whispering something to Kurapika. Others were still questioning about it but, I already know the answer

Kurapika went beside Leorio and me looking very stressed

I placed a hand on his shoulder "Don't stress to much"

His eyes softened a bit before smiling at me "Thanks.."

I sighed and looked down

Is that a real smile? Or a fake one?

We continued to watch the fights until the fight with Killua and Illumi came

"Gittarakur and Killua for the next fight!!" The referee announced

I quietly walked out before the fight started while a certain blonde is eyeing me

Why is she going out on such a weird time? And here she is saying not to stress too much.. Kurapika thought.

I continued walking until I reached a forest

I needed to...

I needed to get out of there. Otherwise, I will stop Killua's fight and take away an experience they would encounter.

That both fateful, and unfateful encounter.

I know that the path they have chosen is dangerous but... experience is the best teacher for us. It teaches us new things and can also stand as a guide in our life.

And I don't wanna take it away from them...

I sighed "Hang on guys, you just have to wai-"



"Uhh.. Excuse-" I was cut off

"Huh? Oh Hi! Are you lost?"

I placed my hands in my pockets "I was just gonna ask you the same thing."

There stood a woman in around her early 20's with a white long hair. She was wearing a black leather jacket and leather jeans with a boots that looks like what cowboys use..


She blinked "Oh. Then I'm just wondering a....r-round..." she stared at my eyes deeply and trailed off


It's her! The woman thought.

She started sweating bullets "O-Oh! T-That's right it's really funny HAHAHAHAHAHABYEEEE!!!" And went off running





I just shrugged and turned away. I need to get back before the trial ends...

I sighed while walking

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