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~~A few years later~~

~~Minji’s P.O.V.~~

Here it is again.

The smell of blood.

I just finished killing my targets just like what my client had instructed me to do and called his goons to clean up the bodies

My everyday life is swimming in a sea of blood.

I’ve become an assassin.

He sighed in exhaustion “Who would’ve thought We’d be assassins? Man, this is boring…”

I whipped my katana to rid of the crimson liquid and licked the blood off my fingers before wiping its remains “Disgusting.”

I guess Hisoka's blood tastes the best after all...

"Why do you even lick the blood? That's so... eww...."

I rolled my eyes at Amiko and responded "Can you please stop talking to me for like... forever? I'm busy breathing."

He grew an irk mark "That's rude!"

This idiot just happened to be involved in one of my missions.

The money got wired to our account as I took off to a nearby forest to relax somewhere "See you."

I suddenly spotted a pink tiger with pink peacock feathers as its tail, approaching me

Seriously? Pink?

I gently went forward to pet the wild animal but instead, it scratched my arm and opened it's peacock tail in defiance

Of course, only an idiot would think of petting a wild tiger like some kind of stray cat.

I sweatdropped at the creature and apologized at him before jumping off to trees trying to think of where I'll go next

An idea suddenly popped in my mind as I dialled someone from my beetle phone

*ringg~* *ri-*

I perked up brightly when I heard someone pick up on the other line and stopped on a tree branch "Moshi Moshi! Remember me?"

"Eh? It sounds like Minji...."

I chuckled "It's cause I am Minji. How are you doing Lori?"

Leorio grumbled on the other line "Oh Minji! It's been a while. Wait- I told you to stop calling me that! It's LE-O-RI-OOOO!!!!"

I retracted the phone from my ear when he started yelling cause, I'll get deaf obviously.

I sweatdropped "Yeah yeah. So, how are you?" My legs clung onto the branch as I positioned myself upside-down

"Well, I've been doing fine as of lately. And guess what?? I've been accepted to a big time Hospital!! Can you imagine that??"

My eyes sparkled and I genuinely felt happy for him "Eehhh?? That's amazing! Congrats!! You finally achieved your dream!"

He chuckled on the other line and I flipped myself down the tree "Oh, maybe I should stop by, I've got a tiger scratch anyways."

"Haahh?? What did you do this time? You idiot. You need to wash that with clean water first and cover it with a clean cloth until you arrive to avoid the dust particles in the air to infect your wound."

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