Chapter 32: Shxt.

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Chapter 32: Shxt.

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

I am now eating udon in a eatery together with Fei-- Min-Min and Skirrus

Of course Ski ate acorns

I continued to swallow the food in my mouth and asked Min "How did you recognize me anyways? I mean, there's a lot of change.."

He also swallowed his food "At first I didn't but when I saw you fly, I knew it was you."

Oh. So that's the case huh?

He suddenly widened his eyes upon realization "Um. About the cut on your arm, I'm really sorry. I didn't know it was you."

I waved it off "It's okay. I forgot about that anyways"

He stared at me while eating noodles for quite a time and I became uneasy "What's wrong?" I asked

"What happened?"

I stopped eating "What do you mean?

He looked down gloomingly "Your house has been reduced to nothing. I never found you since then. I thought you were dead... Where did you go...?"

I sipped my drink and thought for a while "Oh. Right. There was some enemies, breaking things and killing people here and there. Gi- My teacher and I fought them after we arrived at the scene but the town was on the brink of collapsing.. I think We weren't at my house when it collapsed. Yes yes... It would be a possibility but it didn't happen and so those bad guys were...."

She's mumbling again. She really didn't  change... Min-Min thought.

He sighed in relief "Thank goodness you're safe.."

I smiled "Yup! Safe and sound!"

I leaned back and crossed my arms as I continued talking "And naming him Red? That's sooo lamee.." I referred to Ski

He also leaned back and placed his elbow on top of the chair "Right? I was too lazy to pick a name then..."

His face suddenly changed to remembrance "Oh. How about you? How did you meet Skirrus?"

I thought for a moment, remembering the event "Well, after the fight in the town, I was about to train with my teacher but this red squirrel suddenly decided to follow me."

My eyes widened as I looked over Ski "Why didn't you tell me about Feitan when we met? I met you after he did! You didn't even say a word about it!"

"Shut up. I'm trying to eat."

This little shxt...

Min noticed my frustration and asked about it

I pointed at Ski with irk marks on both our heads "This little shxt just snapped at me! He told me to shut up!"



"Ma'am I would like you to please lower your voice for the sake of other costumers"

I looked at the waitress

She's annoyed.

I looked at the costumers

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