Chapter 7: A new life

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Chapter 7: A new life

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

"Why am I doing this again?" Ging asked me

I was sitting on his shoulders while I played with his spiky hair which I adored soooooo muchh while he is walking somewhere.......

I don't actually know..

I smile "For the hundreth time today, it's because I blackmailed you about telling Gon I know you which by the way you don't want to so now, you're going to train me"

He just scoffs childishly and muttered a "Whatever"

I giggled "You know Ging, you're soooo cuuuteee" I fangirl while pinching his cheeks

He pouted "I don't need a 5 year-old telling me I'm cute.." which I just smiled to

Then I suddenly realized something "Ne (Say) Ging..)

"Hmm?" He asks tilting his neck up to look at me still walking

I turn to meet his eyes "Where are we going?"

He then looked back ahead before answering me "Somewhere we can train"

I smile "Okie!"

~~Timeskip brought to you by Ging's cuteness~~

~~Ging's P.O.V.~~

I put Minji down and we put our bags aside when suddenly, a red squirrel walked up to her and tugged on her pants

"Huh?" She looks at the squirrel and the squirrel waved its tiny hand at her

Soooooo cuuuteee!!!





No Ging! You are not fanboying over a squirrel saying hi to a girl



But it's so cuuuteee....

No it's no-


My head shot up to see Minji looking at me worriedly "You kinda spaced out. You okay?" she asks

I started sweating bullets "Eto.... I-I'm fine! It's nothing hehehe" me laughing nervously

She stared at me for a moment and shrugged "Okay, if you say so"

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding

How could a small girl have this kind of effect on me?

I chuckled

Maybe because she's the daughter of my first love...

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