Chapter 8: You picked a fight with the wrong person

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Chapter 8: You picked a fight with the wrong person

~~Minji's P.O.V.~~

Ging is an idiot.

I survived the year by myself living in the woods of Whale Island wanting to meet all kinds of animals there.

I am now spying on Gon and his bear-like friend hanging out.

I wanted to talk to him so badly but I promised Ging not to until the right time would come.

"Well, I gotta go. I'm going to the hunter exams tomorrow, don't froget about me okay?" Gon says to his friend and started jogging towards his home.

"You can come out now."

I chuckled and came out my hiding spot "How did you know I'm here?"

The bear somehow rolled his eyes at me "I just know. Now, why are you here?"

I laid down the grass, Skirrus copying my movements "It's just I wanted to talk to Gon so badly but I can't, and I wanted to be friends with the animals here"

"I told you it would ruin my reputation as elder of the forest. Why won't you listen?"

I sigh and stood up "Fine.. I'll go. I'll go. Bye!! Take care!!" I wave at him and started to go somewhere safe to pass the night.

~~Timeskip brought to you by cutie Gooonnn~~

I am now walking to the docks when I saw Mika. She's an eagle that can find anyone's location. We also became close friends within this year

"Hey Mika!"

She flew beside me "Hi. Let me guess, you're going to the Hunter Exams?"

I walk proudly "You bet I am!"

She landed on my head "I'm gonna miss you.."

I smile reassuringly "Don't worry! You know where to find me whenever you miss or need me! And I can find you whenever I do!" me staying positive

"Yeah! I gotta go. Bye and take care!"

I wave at her leaving "Byee!!!"

Then I heard Skirrus containing his laugh with his hand

I raise an eyebrow at him "What?"

He pointed at my head "What's that?"

"Huh?" I reached the top of my head and felt something sticky

I look at my hand to see


There is only one who'll do this.




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