Chapter 1- Helmet Girl

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"Can I sleep as soon as we get home?" I turn to David beside me as I wearily roll the loud wheels of my pale pink carry-on luggage along the marble floor of the arrival area of NAIA Terminal 1. My eyes are so heavy I think they're going to fall off from their sockets any seconds from now.

"Diana has already prepared food for us so we should eat it right away or else she'll get mad." With a creased forehead, he turns to me and continues, "And what about our plans of going to BGC?"

My squinting eyes linger on his eyebrows. I really like their thickness and they're not as messy as those with the other boys.

"Babe," he snaps me back to Earth, eliciting a groan from me.

"We can do it later as soon as I wake up. I would kill the cutest cat in this planet for a soft, clean bed right now, you know," I mumble with my eyes half-closed.

"Wake up after one day? You sleep like a dormant volcano, Babe. And besides, I told Diana to get us Shakey's too so you can eat your favorite pizza." he nonchalantly utters while looking at our boarding pass to see which baggage claim area number should we head to.

"Dave, I don't want pizza. I'm on healthy living this time, remember? I want fruits...Please?" I beg while pouting my lips at him. The thought of eating some kiwi and apples somehow made my eyes fly open again.

He turns to me and smiles, "You really are such a baby. I can't wait till we finally get home so we can play the whole day." That naughty grin appearing on his face made me blush, but after a split second, my eyes widen at a sudden realization.

"Wait...Wouldn't it be awkward having your sister with us while we mess around?"

The thought made me recollect a kind of traumatic experience before when I was in college. My roommate slash college best friend Jess short for Jessica caught me having sex with my boyfriend Dylan at that time like really caught in the act with me being fully naked so she basically saw my...thing and Dylan's...thing saying hi to each other. She was stunned for a few seconds, gawking at me before storming off the room.

After that incident, things became really awkward between us. The gap was unbearable. She became very distant to me and even made new friends and it broke my heart. I tried talking to her about it but I always chickened out.

I felt like she was really offended by the fact that I brought Dylan into our room and had sex with him. She didn't like him for me and had always told me that he was a jerk. I wanted to widen my efforts into taking her back again but one day, when I came home, she had already moved out and blocked me on everything.

She made me feel like I killed her whole family or something. I never heard anything from her from that then on.

I really missed her so bad and it was really heartbreaking to lose a friend that way that's why I became hesitant when David told me at the last minute that his younger sister Diana has been staying in his place ever since he was booked for a modeling contract in Australia. She needs to stay for a couple more months because of her current work so we will basically be living in with her too.

I agreed with David's proposal of staying with him in the Philippines for a couple of months because I want to enjoy my short vacation with him and also to discover this beautiful country and my roots, but I didn't expect his sister Diana to be with us.

There was no backing out though, as we have already booked our tickets at that time so I just have to be positive on this and enjoy my vacation and my budding relationship with David Mackey.

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