Chapter 3- Scream Queen

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I bolted awake from a very nice sleep upon hearing an ear-splitting scream from next door. I'm not sure if it was a woman or a ferocious, giant eagle. With the adrenaline and fear rushing through me, I immediately get off the bed and rush straight to David's bedroom next to mine to check what's going on.

The door is slightly open so I push myself inside with my body preparing for the worst. I stop on my tracks upon seeing my big brother standing on the bed with suppressed laughter distorting his face. He is holding a baseball bat in hand, aiming it towards something in one corner of the room.

I notice his girlfriend visibly shaking behind him, holding on to his shirt so dearly with glazing eyes.

"What happened? What's wrong?" I ask, feeling so worried right now.

"There's a spider! I-It's really huge!It's almost the size of my hand and it was trying to attack me!" Franki answers while still hiding behind David.

Seriously? A spider? God, I thought it was something dangerous, like a fire or a burglar with a gun.

"Really?" I bite my lower lip to stop myself from smirking. She's something...

"Yes! I'm pretty sure it was a tarantula!" she exclaims in her raspy, high-pitched voice. David throws an apologizing look in my direction, his twisted lips telling me that he's stifling a laugh.

"It's gone, Babe. Don't worry..." He finally jumps off the bed and tries to pull Franki down with him, but the woman drops herself on the bed and curls behind a pillow like a scared fetus. I'm pretty sure she is already twenty-four, right?

"I really thought there was fire or something," I comment while casually leaning on the door.

"I swear it went there!" Franki points to the direction of the wall, completely ignoring my remark. "It might be hiding under our bed now! We have to kill it, David! It's dangerous! It's poisonous!"

I shake my head in amusement. I didn't expect my brother's girlfriend to be a scaredy-cat.

"Just find it already, Dave," I said in a lazy, deep tone while wiping the sleep out of my eyes.

I am about to walk away but my eyes have caught something interesting when Franki stood up from the bed to face me.

She's wearing a sky blue nightie that shows off her well-endowed chest, and when I say well-endowed, I meant it literally. Her breasts have the perfect size and they look so full and soft...

Control yourself, Diana.

I avert my lingering eyes away from the teasing sight before my brother could have noticed it.

"I'm gonna leave you two and prepare our breakfast, okay?" I nonchalantly utter as I finally leave the room with an unexplainable feeling in my chest.

From the kitchen, Franki's screaming transforms into fits of giggles. David is probably tickling her again. It's his favorite hobby. He used to do it to me when we were younger and I hated it. We had a really huge fight during our childhood because of it. He was tickling me non-stop, prompting me to kick him really hard on his stomach that he fell on the floor face first and broke his molars. He never dared to tickle me again from that then on.

I took six eggs out from the fridge and decided to make scrambled eggs along with a few pieces of dried fish for our breakfast today.

Their flirty giggles continue to fill the entire unit. It's kind of distracting me and I don't know why. Not that I am jealous because I don't have anyone serious in my life right now but...I don't know. It's kind of awkward. I feel like I'm disturbing their privacy.

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