Chapter 34 - Secret Lovers (Part 2)

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"She has always planted in my head that I'm gonna marry a man and have beautiful kids..." The spark in her eyes earlier is replaced with cloudiness.

I gulp as the reality suddenly slapping me hard on my cheeks...but nothing is impossible in this world if you will fight for it.

"Franki..." I lean forward to gently pinch her chin and lift her face up to meet her eyes. "We're both in this, okay? Trust me."

I give her an assuring smile as I offer the glass of vodka to her. Her mood picks up again as I hold out my glass in front of her. "Cheers to us, Franki."

"Cheers, mate!" she exclaims in her hyper Australian accent as we clink our glasses against each other.

"How about my brother?" I suddenly remember David again.

"I'll find a way...As of now, let's just say that he's my beard."

"You don't love him anymore?" I ask her as I fish out my e-cigarette from my handbag on the bedside desk. I start hitting it and blowing it in the side as I listen to her thoughts,

"To be honest... I don't really know anymore. I mean, I told you last time, that love can be really vague sometimes. Maybe I just fell in love with the idea of love itself, and he was the perfect candidate, but being in love with David as the person? I really don't know anymore. No one has ever made feel me this excited like you do...The only thing I'm sure now is that you make me feel things that I have never felt before and I find it exciting and scary at the same time, Diana."

Such a fucking music to my ears...

"I feel the same way, Franki. You never left my mind ever since the first time I saw your beautiful face..."

She gulps another shot down before flipping her hair to one side and throwing me a suggestive look, 

"Oh, so am I your crush?"

Blushing out of a sudden, I press my lips inwardly again to stop myself from smiling, "Not anymore...because you're my lover now..."

"Oh my gosh, you're not a turtle anymore!" 

"Turtle?" I throw her a questioning look before hitting up my Juul again. 

"Yes. You're a turtle! Because I think you're slow." she replies with her usual adorable giggle.

"And you remind me of a chicken," I tell her as I smirk.

"Chicken?" she scoots closer to my side and asks me right in front of my face, her hot minty breath which is now mixed with alcohol making me even more aroused than I already am.

"And why is that?"

I smirk as I hold her stare, "Because you're my favorite food and I love to eat you..."

She leans away with a playful, surprised look carving in her beautiful face, "Oh my gawd, stop!"

Minutes later, we can't stop giggling into the most random and nonsense things as we continue to gobble up the vodka on the bed until the alcohol starts to stir on our systems.

She has been flexing me her Italian and German accent and I can't stop laughing in amusement. I have been trying to copy her but she will just laugh at me non-stop. Even my jokes that my friends consider corny sounds like comedy to her and I am in pure bliss.

"So I remember this guy before in the plane. He asked for my number and I gave it to him because he is cute but I don't have any plans of entertaining him. You know, I was kind of playful before, but I'm a good girl now." she states in her fast, slurry accent.

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