Chapter 12- Bi-wilderment

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"Sorry about my brother. Do you want to go back to the hotel na?" Diana asks me while I am still shocked at what David has done. He seems to become even more different as each day passes by...

Franki, he has always been really touchy, and you were also to him. Did you forget about that?

I don't know... but what he did moments ago has caught me off-guard, and what's even worse was... Diana saw it.

So what if she saw it?

I have never felt this ashamed for a while...I mean, yeah I had my wild side back in Australia and worse, in L.A., but I don't understand why I suddenly felt disgusted with the thoughts of making out in public with a man now...and David is, in fact, my boyfriend. It mystifies me on how a month here has changed a lot of my perceptions.

David again tried to have sex with me this afternoon but I wasn't really having it. We then had a small argument and both of us ended up drinking a whole bottle of Jack Daniel's. He popped some love pills and forced some on me too, but I refused and slept it out.

I woke up at around eight in the evening and found David, sleeping, sprawled on top of me with his mouth slightly open. I immediately went back to my hotel room to have a shower but my heart sunk when there's no presence of Diana in the room. I got alarmed and I didn't know why. I was about to call her but Sky arrived and told me that she was in a nightclub in front of the beach.

The three of us had dinner first before finally coming into the club where Diana was and for some reason, I felt really relieved the moment I saw her again. Maybe because she's the only female companion that I have now. I am used to having my all-girls squad beside me...

"No, I want to get drunk tonight, Diana." I firmly reply to her question. I don't know what has gotten into me but I just wanna get wasted tonight...with her. The thought of having fun with her excites me and a part of me is also curious to see her demeanor when she gets drunk.

I also don't want to see David tonight.

"Why? Are you sure?" Hints of confusion blends with the strobe lights in her eyes.

"Yes. I want to get drunk with you." Maintaining our eye contact, I reach for her arm and squeeze it tight. I don't know why but just seeing Diana's concerned face and touching her soft skin always calms me down.

"A-Are you serious?" she really looks so concerned, and I find it really touching.

"Yeah. I want to get loose tonight. I miss wild nights..." It has been a while since I last partied like hardcore with my squad back in Australia. I just miss the feeling of being drunk, of feeling like floating with your heavy body and just to...warm things up.

My lips quirk up into a smile when I caught a glimpse of excitement in her eyes before she has dragged me towards the bar.

"He has been drinking since we came back to the hotel this afternoon. When we got here, he popped in some love pills. He tried to force some on me, but I refused." I tell her after gulping down my first cocktail glass, which is the ladies' night special.

"I'm really sorry about my brother, Franki. Dave's a good guy but he sometimes messes up," she mumbles through the music while playing with the rim of her glass. My eyes linger on her slender fingers and long fake nails. They look so sexy...

"It's okay, Diana. We all do, actually, and it's a part of being human..." I answer after recovering from the momentary trance. We continue talking about David while drinking, and I can now feel the kicking of alcohol in my tummy. Diana is just listening attentively to what I am saying, leaning closer, eyes keen on me...

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